
Ukraine-Krieg im Liveticker: +++ 00:53 Russians actively harass Angriff in Kursk startedet haben +++

Ukraine-Krieg im Liveticker: +++ 00:53 Russians actively harass Angriff in Kursk startedet haben +++

Ukraine-War on Liveticker
+++ 00:53 Russians have started activities in Kursk with +++

The Russian army began the attack on Ukrainian forces in the Russian Kursk region. When linking the connection with the occupied territories, the Russians have started active Angriffs, message from the Ukrainian army after the Telegram channel Deepstate. Armored vehicles can be transported over the Fluss Seim and smaller Flusse Seim. They move themselves into a Panzer Column of the free-standing military forces in the direction of Snagost.

+++ 23:22 US-Republikaner: Ukraine will continue to challenge the US-Waffen in Russia +++
What Republicans in the US Congress have called on the US President has given Ukraine a new missile system that will be seen in Russia. It has been a long time since the government exercised control over the US economy and Waffen legitimate military souls in Russia, while keeping a short letter to Biden. Michael McCaul, the US representative of the United States, is one of the other leaders of the US representatives. Bilang beschränken the US by the Einsatz of Waffen against Russia on the Abwehr of the Russian offensive against the ostkranische Stadt Kharkov.

+++ 22:17 US-Außenminister und British Kollege kündigen Reise nach Kiew an +++
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and his British colleague David Lammy also traveled to Ukraine that week. It appears that both are political at a press conference at Rande von Gespraächen Blinkens in London. The common trip comes at a critical time for Ukraine, Blinken says. Russia is intensifying its aggression against civil society, which infrastructure and the Ukrainian military exist. “We see who is concerned about cities, people and especially the energy infrastructure for the cold months”, the US Secretary of State said.

+++ 21:36 Selenskyjübt Kritik und bisheriger Diplomatie +++
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Selensky has given his diplomats an energetic energy effort for the interests of the Russian countries. The new minister Andrij Sybiha is the Ukrainian diplomacy that is so important, “that an our partner was actively able to respond to her offers”. That says Selenskyj in the blessed evening video chat. Before he got Sybiha in the official ministry of the new minister. It should happen that Ukraine makes even more discoveries in Europe, like Selenskyj. In addition, the country needs narrower interests in South America, Africa and Asia. “We must create the full potential of our strategic interests for the United States”, the president said in Kiev.

+++ 20:57 Landminen schmälern Ukraine-BIP +++
Landmines produce an estimate of the Ukrainian Gross Domestic Product (GDP) worth 11.2 billion dollars. The target was 5.6 percent of the national houses in Ukraine during the economic performance in the year 2021, with a message from Ukrainian economic ministries and the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change reformed. The study is very useful, because the regional economies of mining have received a value of 1.1 billion dollars and the world of Ukrainian exports has reached a value of 8.9 billion dollars. If the dates of the agricultural ministries are restored, there have become 2.5 percent of the vermin and vermin of the arable lands. The Weltbank estimates, there was 34.6 billion dollars inherited which the Ukraine would be sure of.

+++ 20:11 Kiew straight with bislang schwierigstem Winter +++
The Ukrainian management takes into account the energy sector with the wintry winter during the Kriegsbeginn. There is a recovery, in the Kommenden Heizsaison a stable Energieversorgung zu gewährleisten, Prime Minister Denys Schmyhal said before journalists in Kiew. “Wir haben drei Heizvisien erolgreich überstanden.” The coming winter was “not a little windy, but not even the windiest” signal. Ukraine has joined the ganzenwelt rust for the energy sector, such as Schmyhal. Man versuche, damaged Kraftwerke wieder in Betrieb zu nehmen. This organization was organized to help an energy system that was in trouble. “We have access to the autonomy of critical infrastructures,” says the Chief Executive.

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