
Repositioning: Service plan and lifts with spots with a different number of pairs

Repositioning: Service plan and lifts with spots with a different number of pairs

I am of the active Campaign on September 15, on September 10, Germany and in Austria on TV and the Alltag of the old Ehepaars Gerda and Paul porträtieren. Jeder Film is one of the partners and there are some other ways in which they work together.

During the cinematic knife that the pampering derselben – the tochter des paares – both spots were connected on emotional small distances. The message that has appeared: A lifta-stairlift is no longer mobile in the change, has a non-existent, joy of life and strength for the family, which consists of Laughing, Cooking, Gartnern and Zeitvertreib with the best single child. The director of the film is filmmaker Cadmo Quintero, producer of stereo films.

“In the campaign film war it is very heavy, not emotional and authentic, but the people are in the middle point. So the elevator now goes to the end of the two films as self-proclaimed all-tagshelfer, the main character: that is the best, “Your life as you used to live – and dadurch im altar completely zu bleiben”, explains Andy Wyeth, Managing Director Serviceplan Köln, the idea behind the Campaign.

Kristina Körfer, Lead Brand Management Sitzlifte Liftstar Marketing GmbH, says: “Lift the image of the stair lifts in a modern, revolutionary way. Gerade deswegen is a for everything that is in our communication, all the way and the business niches have left the soul group to be. That is why if we no longer use the market, one of the larger generations generations a self-best best life to lead.” Even the grip man in the active campaign. “We said, that Lifta is not a home-possible, is an enabler for a self-best life – without energy for stair climbing used to have to be.”

Extend the fight by publishing in print with the publication of photos by Jochen Manz targeting platforms on YouTube and Instagram, which has converted the social media format, an awareness for the topic that creates barriers among the young Ziel group die schärfen. Performance banner, a relaunch of the Lifta website in the campaign, ensures that the conversion is optimized. Landing pages are carried out by the communication units ab. Konzeption and Umsetzung der Kampagne for the digital channels of Plan.Net Cologne.
The Cologne House of Communication has been active with the Customer Lift since 2020. In the Vergangenheit, the Marke aus dem Hause Liftstar put the functional operation of the Stairlift in the focus of advertising and marketing metrics. Get started with the network agent who conducts another investigation into the original product communication: You can use the lift help and assistance services and the individual employees in the center of the brand cohesion are helped.