
1155 Euro for Käse and Wurst – Italien-Urlauberin schockiert, Familie erstattet Anzeige

1155 Euro for Käse and Wurst – Italien-Urlauberin schockiert, Familie erstattet Anzeige

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A tourist in Italy must pay 1155 euros for local specialties at a dealer. The fall lost a wave of solidarity.

Munich – Crystal clear water, endless beaches and malay landscapes: Sardinia’s Mediterranean island is a credible holiday destination. If you go in the high season, it can be just as good as in other regional Italian regions. There is a problem with an 86-year-old woman from Mailland.

Urlauberin muss 1155 Euro for Käse and Wurst in Italy-Urlaub zahlen

Der Vorfall honored itself during the end of August on the beach of Porto Istana, reported in the Zeitung Corriere della Sera. The blind woman wants to deal with a relative with a fresh, Italian Spezialitäten-kaufen. If you choose Pecorino cheese from the region, it was pork and sausage. In total, the ware should weigh four kilograms.

An Urlauberin in Sardinia-Urlaub has to pay 1155 Euro for Käse and Wurst. (Symbol image)
An Urlauberin in Sardinia-Urlaub has to pay 1155 Euro for Käse and Wurst. (Symbolbild) © HERA/imago; Ravlo/imago

For the specialities both die out then 1155 Euro. When the family member advised the ware to the car brought, the woman has paid per card. If you make a message, first notice that you have paid the price. If the product enters a woolly confrontation, the war will shift. There was a lot of pain in a Rom-Urlauber, if there was a direct demand for the Trevi-Brunnen that was crazy.

With a copy of the savings bonds, on the name, the firm and the address of the commercial agents, the war was noted, that of Italian-Urlauber to the other police. They are still in use. The family of the family has power over the fact that they cannot themselves focus on the power of the company.

“I have no problem”: Family contacts dealers after additional price

The concrete is that the family earns the price, before the products are produced. “It is a freer market, I see no problem”, painted the Mann from Buddusò. An incantation of the changes and the blindness of knowledge that the Händler back.: “They seem to me spiritually completely clear to be”. Der Zeitung The new zFollowing this, the products for a product of the price could be purchased in entreprechenden Fachgeschäften.

A Happy End does not end for the Urlauberin. Zahlreiche Ladenbesitzer as well as Bürgermeister Massimo Satta von Buddusò sammeltten 1155 Euro en beglichen zomit de horrende Summe bei der 86-Jährigen. If the tourist is happy, he or she will spend the money on a well-deserved holiday.

“Your country has a healthy environment, although it is important to be aware of it, it is important to have a healthy and heart-felt workforce, which is a positive part of being part of the society,” he said. The new the Bürgermeister. The Tat des Händlers are sharf zu verurteilen. Because Mann is important, this is not possible. Abzocke Wittert as a German Tourist in a Croatian Urlaubsort. (cash)