
AI and Automation in the Telco Industry

AI and Automation in the Telco Industry

Fast processing, high quality and long-term delivery times
AI and Automation in the Telco Industry

By Philipp Kellner

4 min reading time

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Künstliche Intelligenz is in all worlds and providers of Telco-Business Fortschritt. What do you mean? Philipp Kellner von Endava, says that KI-Integration für Telekommunikationsunternehmen lohnt.

The telecom industry can make a profit with KI-Einsatz, such as Philipp Kellner from Endava.
The telecom industry can make a profit with KI-Einsatz, such as Philipp Kellner from Endava.

(Image: © SasinParaksa –

Intelligent intelligence is no longer trend-sensitive, but it takes a long time. In some sectors, the technology has been popular for a long time, but in others, the fragmentation is also not set after a practical implementation. This is the telecommunications sector that does not have access. Let more Telco entrepreneurs see such possibilities, a little by the Einsatz of KI Efficiency gains to realize. In addition to KI-supported document management solutions and traffic analyses, KI assistants in customer service crystallize here, as the KI integration in the area of ​​software development as central points emerge.

Durchblick im Dokumentendschungel thanks to Dokumentenmanagement-Losungen

The conclusion of a mobility transaction is the most complicated, the verification of the identity of a bonitätsprüfung-erforderlich sind. Here it is often not the case that manueller was at work, but that was long ago on the customer side-führt. Document management solutions with automated workflows can offer greater potential for efficiency improvements. The system with the technology of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) can AI and automatically display information about the scanned external and additional data, display, display and the documentation on real results. AI algorithms can be used in analyzing financial data and the best possibilities that can be used. If you want to know that there are a few large or small credit risks, touch separations and often it is a matter of manual work.

During the integration of large language models (LLMs), the documentation can be processed into documents, which gives the best information that can be extracted from the scripture, but it can yield much more. Statistics can automatically display this text after filtering and automatically extract the information. It is impossible to reduce the Arbeitsaufwand.

Vorhersage von Störungen erlaubt proactive Problemsolution

Thanks to AI-driven traffic analysis, it is more difficult to know that you want more loads. When analyzing AI algorithms, historical data is a normal representation of the results. Normally, this data is displayed automatically and as an indicator for strong speech intelligibility. If the basis of data is active use and predictive follow-up, AI can additionally optimize the allocation of network resources in real time, so that the lifespan of the obstruction and the desired quality of service is ensured.

We can use AI algorithms in the wartungsbedarf of devices that use routers. The collection of the data that can occur here in the future will cause problems in the future. These smart people can be more ideal about the fact that their weight is very high and that they need to be treated before they fail at the Nutzern-kommt.

Selbst ist der Kunde: Solve specific problems with AI assistants

You can help AI Assistants to troubleshoot your Heimnetzwerken. If you use a number of databases, you can troubleshoot and manage information about a network problem with the relevant information. AI Assistants help to perform automatic diagnostics, a possible problem in identifying. If you notice a problem, you can solve the following problems. Here you can perform the most complex visualizations of your machine. With this previous help of AI Assistants, you can focus on troubleshooting and burdening the customer service, which now takes more time for complex problems with your sales.

KI beschleunigt Software-Entwicklung

AI Integration allows everyone to profit from the development department. Automatically standardize code construction operations in cases where the long processes run out and shorten everything in repeated operations of the work. Then AI comes to compare the quality of best-handed code, which can be easily optimized with the help of AI algorithms. Here are the best machines that learn and recognize an irregularity and opportunities, before the real problem occurs. If you can perform a concrete, an AI improvement code can be generated for the best hands, so that you can optimize the functionality and efficiency. The result is an efficient system and a reaction reaction.


Advanced intelligent and automated workflows are available in the telecommunications industry. They increase efficiency and solve problems faster. Continuous document management tools and technology with OCR support identity and compliance checks, optimize AI algorithms development processes and warn early of problems. Telecommunications systems offer the possibilities of smart intelligence to use active and AI-based functions in the best integrated labor market, a high level of legislation and regulations that is up to date.

Philipp Kellner.
Philipp Kellner.

(Image: Endava)

Direction of AI Integration Cost savings by reducing and optimizing the working conditions at the quality of service and the image of the Foundation, one of the innovative service facilities of einführen at the purchase. It is no longer possible to bind the knowledge, but it is a strong position in one of the digital telecommunications landscapes.

About the author

Philipp Kellner is Delivery Partner at Endava.
