
Göre 3, Bully 0 – Inside the Paradeplatz

Göre 3, Bully 0 – Inside the Paradeplatz

If at 3.15 o’clock Swiss Time loses, sweetheart for the Handshake on his page. The “champ” is the least bitten.

Dann went’s loss – and favorite Trump lost the Tritt. Anyone who is an experienced Ali deepens the Rundumschläge das Ziel.

You’re holding the big TV debate about the US presidential election in November for longer, but it’s more like this:

Trump is a bully with a fresh idea.

Göre 3, Bully 0 – Inside the Paradeplatz
Unmasked (NBC)

Kamala Harris, of ihren Fans “Brat” embarrassing – Göre – started stiffly, gab zum Start ausschik Gelerntes zum Besten.

Schon bald drehte sie auf, wirkte fresh, sympathetic; let it be banal. Wenn’s seriousness was bestimimte Mimik and sonorous Ton.

A State Fraud, the man who takes over the leadership of the Superpower.

What made you think that?

“3:1 for Harris. Trump is dying,” wrote Markus Somm of Nebelspalter, the biggest Trump supporter.

“Harris forces Trump on defense in bitter clash at presidential debate,” wrote the Financial Times.

The Musk kannst du behalten (FT)

The Blatt of the global Wirtschaftsführer brought Taylor Swift’s Wahl-Empfehlung for Harris.

With the Popstar regnets young voices.

Anyone who survives the night in love with Trump will see the headline in the conservative Wall Street Journal.

‘Trump and Harris traded barbs in fiery debate’. Now the “Journal” has Trump zum sieger gekürt.

It didn’t work.

Trump is looking forward to seeing Harris again. A more modern Kennedy.

The first, six months.

“We have so much more in common,” began the Vorzeigefrau der Demokraten, the Weisse Haus die wollen wollen, in his closing words.

Blue Winning (NBC)

As all Americans have “dreams and hopes,” their dreams and expectations have been fulfilled.

With an ‘opportunity economy’.

Harris’ Auftritt in einem Satz von ihr: “Bringing out optimism”.

And Trump? Dessen Schlüsselbotschaft lautete: We are lost. Damned. Game over.

“We have a nation in decline, a nation that is dying.” Ghts noch düsterer? Yes. “We will end up in World War III.”

Brown, unglazed suitable for a bald 80s, in a navy blue blazer, the American pin-up of the herz.

Harris has a black jacket with a white shell, in a brilliant ring. Pin on left chest – Light up for left.

“Everybody knows she’s a Marxist,” Trump said. “World leaders laugh at Donald Trump,” Harris said.

He now has the victory for August. Before we saw Monaten as gray Number 2, it was best to make a note for the strumming Joe Biden.

On that night when Harris falls for his wife, the other West will lead his new Ufern.

Give the Vereinigten Staatsvereinigt and Putin the Zähne said.

Wasn’t there yet, who knows. Sicher ist: Sie wirkt. Um, Trump, poltert.

So it is that it is in the country that unbridled power is abolished – once again more unique on the planet.