
Endometriosis: Herzinfarkt Risiko deutlich erhöht

Endometriosis: Herzinfarkt Risiko deutlich erhöht

Around 40,000 women in Germany were diagnosed with endometriosis every year. The Erkrankung is known by the strong Schmerzen – for everything in the Reach of the Unterleibs. It is possible that there is a Gebärmutterschleimhaut-ähnliches Gewebe außerhalb des Womb. This is not the case with natural hormones and can prevent problems from occurring.

New study medicine can now have no consequences, the affected woman has a significantly higher risk of a heart attack or ischemic damage as a woman or endometriosis. This message was received from the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). 300,000 women with an endometriosis diagnosis in 1977 and 2021 were examined. Of all probands, 60,508 had endometriosis and 242,032 were healthy controls. The duration of the cut-off of women is 37 years.

Jede 3. Frau stirbt een Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen

“For years, heart-cycle illnesses (HKE) have been considered male illnesses and risk factors from a male perspective”, according to the lead study author Dr. Eva Havers-Borgersen from Rigshospitalet Copenhagen University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark. “However, your wife and HKE and your wife suffers from endometriosis. There is a high probability that it is one of the times that the risks of HKE in women with endometriosis-routine examination increase”, so the wisdom.

The Bottom Line: Women with endometriosis have a 20 percent high risk for combined endpoint surgery and ischemic stroke. If one of the components you can use, a risk for some of the gain in some people with a delay of 35 years can make. It may be that women are affected by a high risk for cardiac arrhythmias and heart failure.

More attention is important

Those who consider this, as a narrower endometriosis and the heart-circular system are the best and it may be that there is a high degree of disease remission, which is carried out by an indefinite study period.

“Where it is absolutely unhealthy, it is relatively unhealthy to treat 20 percent of endometriosis patients who are very susceptible to this serious disease, the women-specific risk factors and heart-circulation illnesses in women who experience more noticeable symptoms,” said Havers-Borgersen.

And further: ‘If women with endometriosis are at risk for Herz-Kreislauf disease, and this is the time, women-specific risk factors – with endometriosis, diabetes and prevention – in models for pregnancy Herz-Kreislauf -Risikos zu berücksichtigen.“

It is known that the best and these factors are integrated into the same model as you want, but we will make more hereditary orders, so the question of business.