
Jobcenter started Project for Flüchtete Frauen

Jobcenter started Project for Flüchtete Frauen

People who are forced to flee face special challenges when it comes to integration and social participation. The Jobcenter in the district office began developing a team with the program “teamwork for health and work”, a new project under the motto “Together is(s)t man weniger allen”. In particular, young women were raised here to be aware of their health concerns and gain an overview of the potential of the labor market. The Veranstaltung finds an intercultural center “Aller(T)Räume” of the city of Celle statt. I’m 17. September is here. Notifications are not possible.

“Einsamkeit cannn wiewiegende Auswirkungen with global health care, especially for people with migration and flight experiences” explains Madleen Witte, Team Leader of the Job Centers in the Celle District. This group has founded the Job Center with varying activities on the Bereichen Flucht, Gesundheit and Arbeit das Projekt “Zusammen is(s)t man weniger allein” ins Leben gerufen.

I think it is a common breakfast, if they know the knowledge of the knowledge and vernetzen. If you have one of the themes yourself in hand, the strategy of the strategy is vermitteld, your resilience is strong. The Jobcenter offers a theme with Aus- and Weiterbildung, Ausbildung in Teilzeit, Praktika and Kinderbetreuung – and vermittelt all general information for a hereditary integration into the labor market.

The Veranstaltung would be founded by the GKV-Bündnis für Gesundheit mit Telnn der gesetzlichen Krankenkassen and begleitet of the Landesvereinigung für Gesundheit and Akademie für Sozialmedizin Niedersachsen Bremen eV.

Interested parties of the Jobcenters can report your costs by e-mail: [email protected]

Photo: Celler Presse

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