
There is no longer any chance on the labor market

There is no longer any chance on the labor market

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If people are putting the interest aside, it is worth going to the sale. If the job is like that, it is nightly. That is a good thing.

Munich – Those Germans were always older. For politics and economics, there is a difference between art and a problem: they are also responsible for the financial management. You can pay the costs for the interest on your Medical and Nursing Insurance. If there are serious problems, these Leistungen can occur. If you get more money, you can shift your interest rate and move on.

The unified people on the labor market can the Wirtschaftsexperts erhebliche Vorteile. A study by the Ifo institutes is very likely that a lease agreement of 67 to 69 years will be created 473,000 full-time couples. If the so-called rent with 63 were created, further 157,000 labor forces could be gained.

Politics will set up a setzen: Beschäftigte sollen Rente aufschieben and longer working hours

The political debate has begun with the abolition of the interest at the age of 45, but it can also apply as an interest at 63, and the general interest rate adjustment is no longer possible. Make sure that the SPD knows how these future developments can go.

If the initiative to the Wachstum initiative of the Ampel-Koalition offers the interest scale prämie as financing for the Arbeit im Alter beschlossen. An interest can be paid with a malicious bonus of 20,000 euros. Bereits jetzt gibt is Anreize for the Weiterarbeit über das Rentenalter hinaus. If the Ruhestand changes, there will be a further payment of 0.5% per year for your future work.

Let people work longer and longer in the interest rate – but the labor market does not look good with

Tatsächlich liegt die Erwerbsquote der 55- bis 64-Jährigen mit 74 Prozent rund zölf Prozentpunkte höher as 2012. Laut FAZ ist das hauptsächlich darauf zurückzuführen, dass Menschen später in Rente gehen. The current labor market situation is not over yet. Demnach bleiben Menschen ab einem Alter von 55 Jahren im Schnitt 108 Tage longer working lives as younger Menschen.

A senior is sitting on the laptop and using the laptop. (Symbol photo)
The interest rate on the market and in the alternative sector: Obwohl is one of the political issues that people on the labor market with primaries and real problems have to contend with. (Symbol photo) © Uwe Umstätter/Imago

According to Martin Brussig of the University of Duisburg, the truth that a person has acquired over the age of 50 is only so high among young people. “It has not become easy for the work-taker to find a job,” said Brussig of the FAZ.

Other people have a hard time on the job market: That’s the foundation

The foundation for the poorest chances of people from an age of 50 years on the labor market are very poor. There are often people who want to meet other people, because they want to learn and learn. Alternative offers will use a small amount of digital components, so die Working weeks.

Another factor is the higher illness rate among other workers. Laut der Krankenkasse DAK fehlen Menschen über 60 Years im Durchschnitt and new Prozent ihrer Arbeitszeit, bei 50- to 59-Jährigen since es sechs Prozent. 30- to 34-year work days now four days a week. There are other obstacles that can pose a high degree of danger. “These high expectations are often unrealistic,” explains Beraterin Claudia Michalski of the Economic Week.