
Cathy Hummels: You get an idea of ​​your financial situation

The Star news about the tags on the GALA ticker: Cathy Hummels has found a job in his Finanzen +++ Roman Gottschalk has made private photos Photo +++ Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht is said to be aimed with a new woman.

The Star-News of the Day in the GALA ticker

September 11, 2024

Cathy Hummels is happy, who earns his money

About money one does not speak, it is so beautiful. I see Cathy Hummels, 36, otherwise offended and wrapped in one of the Fragerunde cases with the women’s magazine “Finanzielle” about my Finanzen. If it were not so, if I earned money, my job would be better, and I earned my money with many different things. “Ich moderiere, ich mache Events, Social Media, LinkedIn and TikTok”, says the ex-wife of Mats Hummels, 35, on. If you earn a “big production of 120,000 euros”, you are praised.

So large amounts do not disappear within a few hours. That is why Jobs has other advantages. “If we earn something, it is a question of 500 euros for our work”, says Mother eines Sohnes. “If Jobs earns a man and the Jobs of Dan, who gets a few times better and the chance increases that the equilibrium stops”, he said. A fan of Aktien and Kryptowährung is no more, but he knows that he will not appear until the 36th century. If you invest in things, you go further. “Ich kenne mich aus mit Immobilien, den eens Rohstoffen: Gold. Da weiß ich ganz genz genau: Ich buy das ein en dann ist es da.”

September 10, 2024

Roman Gottschalk teilt privates Photo

Thomas Gottschalk, 74, has criticized the Wednesday evening of Verlobten Karina Mroß on Ibiza – the summer for the moderator. There are photos of the first Zeremonie that the TV legend writes: “Although I still experience Ereignis as a very personal experience, I take you with me on my wedding day with Karina on Ibiza. I probably still have to learn it, my innermost feeling with you knows that it is a good time! I know my Showmaster feeling, while Karina has seen her forever! Yes?”

And never on Trauzeug: Thomas Gottschalk has a view of his life, while his Son Roman is on the photos, which can appear on Instagram, but not on the photos. When the time has passed, it is so that Roman Gottschalk is not satisfied, the statistics are on the net of his own country and have taken a private photo with Melissa from the “Callie Restaurant” in San Diego. Here feiert das Paar sein Wiedersehen.

September 9, 2024

Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht wurde beim Feiern with a new wife erwischt

I started a Wednesday evening with Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht, 32, in the Gästen at World Club Dome in Frankfurt am Main. The son of Uwe Ochsenknecht, 68, war not Solo for Ort: A photo, that RTL lies, said the actor next to Amani Hadri, a business woman and model, who is active in Frankfurt. If you come out of your Instagram bio, you see the Tatsache, that is the “biggest club in the world” said with Jimi Blue.

Offiziell is Ochsenknecht for whom Laura-Marie Geissler is together. If you take a picture of both, then it is one of the things that can change your photos from both feeds. Jimi Blue never follows the view on Instagram, but is one of the fast 10,000 users that Hadri follows on the platform. In Frankfurt schlicht on his compliment angesprochen erklärte: “Ich bin private hier.”

In this Instagram story, Hadri is not bothered by the war, while Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht unleashes the war.

In this Instagram story, Hadri is not bothered by the war, while Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht unleashes the war.


Natalia Wörner feierte in the Geburtstag in the prominent Gesellschaft

Am 7. September zelebrierte Natalia Wörner in 57. Geburtstag. Because the Schauspieler is not an imposing party, there is a rough Nachmittag in the small district. Who “Unter Umständen” -Darstellerin on Instagram others offenbarte, enjoy the wonderful water and enjoy a delicious meal with coffee, tea and coffee. A photo said that Wörner is in an important business.

Wer an diesem Tag an Natalias See nicht fehlen dared, ist ihr Sohn Jacob Lee Seeliger, 18. Darüber hinaus nahm Guido Maria Kretschmer, 59, on the wonderfully covered Kaffeetafel Platz. Begleitet wurde Kretschmer von his husband Mann Frank Mutters, 69, from the image who besieges the further guest in the room. There is a fashion designer and a larger company joining Manager David Reichert with his small business operations. Zu der Aufnahme writes Natalia Wörner on Instagram: “Thank you for the beautiful tag.”

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