
Aimed at Hipp who disorganized the Werbung für Kindermilch

Aimed at Hipp who disorganized the Werbung für Kindermilch

Source: Bughdaryan/Unsplash

Source: Bughdaryan/Unsplash

Der Babynahrungshersteller Hipp, Pfaffenhofen, muss seine Werbung für Kindermilch anpassen. “Darum benötigt Ihr Kind 7x mehr Vitamin D as erwachsener” – with the right amount of vitamin D for the vitamin D preparation of children’s milk. If the Internet on the Internet and the packaging war are unreführend, the Oberlandesgericht (OLG) Munich will start working with a Klage des Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverbands (vzbv), Berlin.

Susanne Einsiedler, referee in team law at vzbv: “Children no longer use vitamin D as a supplement. The Hipp-Werbung suggests the disease. This is the difference between the supplementary vitamin D and the supplement per kilogram of body weight. concern, where kaum recognisable.”

First click on a plate of eggs that will be consumed by your loved ones, because of the relative increase in the children’s health. If the packaging is completely from one of the most diverse options, it is now in the kilo-kilo weight. After examining the rifle scope, the Hinweise were found to be irrefutable.

Through OLG Munich, the Hipp organization is confronted with the health claims of the European Union, which can no longer make any mistakes or cannot respond. It comes to the gesamteindruck and the werbung with the angeprochenen verb: the hervorrufe.

Externalizing paints

Before OLG München has spent the years, the vzbv has become a representative or abgewiesen. Dagegen went der vzbv in Revisie. If the Bundesgerichtshof (BGH) has implemented the Urteil-opbok- and zur-erneuten-verdict and the OLG München-verwesen, this is now no longer correct.

Hipp hat die vom vzbv beanstandeten Passagen auf der Website mittlerweile angepasst, teilten die Verbraucherschützer:innen met. Pressing the package should make the man act.