
Zuwanderung trifft Reality: Wie Geflüchtete Schneller in Arbeit kommen | – Nachrichten

Zuwanderung trifft Reality: Wie Geflüchtete Schneller in Arbeit kommen | – Nachrichten

Status: 11.09.2024 10:55 am

Flüchtlinge faster in den Job vermitteln: Dieses Ziel would the Jahren von der Politik ausgegeben. In Schleswig-Holstein you started with the years of a pilot project a flüchtete gezielter an appropriate Arbeitgeber for vermitteln. That’s right – the least agreed.

by Johannes Jolmes and Daniel Sprenger

Kamiran Almahmoud will welcome Michel Bau in Neumünster. Deutsch spricht der Syrer nicht, een Dolmetscher hilft beim Bewerbungsgespräch. Experienced in the Tiefbau is more: There can be Bagger-fahren, in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Libya is a schon workbeitet – also as Lkw-Fahrer and Heizungsbauer, wie erklärt.

Viele Bewerber von harten Arbeitsbedingungen abgeschreckt

Kamiran Almahmoud in conversation with Michel Bau in Neumünster. © Screenshot

Kamiran Almahmoud cannot solve the problem in canalization – it is not possible to separate others.

“If you use such hands personally, you will be happy to work,” says Geschäftsführer Stephan Remer. If you want to use the Widrigkeiten directly, you can say the following on the Baustellen: “It is what we want, strengthen, in summer, in winter and nass.” This is what Almahmoud is worth doing, while working in the best possible way with the canalization in the work. Das schrecke velde Bewerber ab. Niece jedoch Almahmoud: “Arbeit ist Arbeit”, it says.

“If someone says, there is a desire for it, then it is certainly not at all ahead,” said Remer. “If it is said, there can be yielding and breaking, then manual work is most likely.”

But the Geschäftsführer fragt sich auch: Who can work on the Bau, when is the Anweisungen nicht versteht? “We are not able to imagine an Arab or Indian column, if we are not alone, that is not our soul,” said Remer. I am an Unternehmen who says he is an Einheit.

Kamiran Almahmoud worked with a swiss machine. © Screenshot

SOUND: Migration as Job Turbo? Pilot project in Schleswig-Holstein (4 min)

Pilot project: Set up flights with minimal communication

As a third power in a pilot project with a pilot project in Schleswig-Holstein continues to expand the “Job Turbo” in his life over the years. “We have been looking forward to winning jobs, also having to establish minimal language skills”, said Economic Minister Claus Ruhe Madsen (CDU) in a statement. Around a thousand jobs have signaled your interest. If you end up in the fall, it is wise to be taken by Madsen. The companies have been called upon to open up new possibilities. When the time is ripe, it is “a gentleman from a qualified professional organization”, a long time ago.

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Two displaced people work in a workshop © picture alliance Photo: Oliver Killig

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Sieben Bewerber – en alle kommen zum vereinbarten Termin

Geschäftsführer Stephan Remer in Bewerbungsgespräch. © Screenshot

Der Druck, Personal zu finden, sei sehr become bigger, said the Geschäftsführer von Michel Bau, Stephan Remer.

We have a lot of work to do, a lot of work to do with Michel Bau Solche Alternatives, and a job commitment. “If you are willing to tell us what you want, then we will be happy with our drums, so we will be able to obtain it.”

Sieben Bewerber hat de Arbeitsagentur geschickt je Michel Bau. Remer führt sie über das Gelände. Keiner von ihnen spricht Deutsch. It is your first time using Monaten in the country. “Womit all we have been waiting for since: They will be willing to wait until they are accepted. All the people sitting here are the first to be married.”

If you don’t have self-defense anymore, this man is a little bit done and completely done. “There are no unusual experiences where no one would have happened. That is the experience we have made,” says Remer.

Abfrage in Boostedt: Was können die Bewohner?

All products are available at the Erstaufnahmeeinrichtung in Boostedt in Schleswig-Holstein. Erika Häbel vom Landesamt für Zuwanderung und Flüchtlinge befraft in Rahmen des Pilotprojekts Syrer und Afghanen direkt nach ihrer Ankunft, although the qualifications for bringing are. “If you come there, you were in Syria or Afghanistan, if you were in school,” Häbel explains.

If you have such a basic expertise screening power, you can give the Federal Agency for Labor Passgenauer Bewerber references. “If I was no longer sitting, it was not that a Tischler was a constitutional state. The basic expertise screening kitzele was learned in his homeland, he studied.” The household appliances of Bewohner are Schneider, Kfz-Mechatroniker, Elektriker, Bäcker and Tischler. “What is very rare: a dentist or lawyer”, said Häbel.

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556 Gespräche – drei vermittelte Jobs

See more about the pilot project in Schleswig-Holstein. Bislang geführt wurden 556 Gespräche. Three jobs were lost. Will Kamiran Almahmoud be Number Four?

That is one of the other men who have been busy with Michel Bau, like Häbel als Erfolg. Two aspirants stop in a practice. Only one will appear at a certain moment: Almahmoud.

If you see an image that it could be schweißgerät, it was lost. This second question is definitely a problem: Gabelstapler fahren. Almahmoud transports Paletten über den Hof. There is also manual work, but not the language. Almahmoud has sent his brother to Dolmetschen mitbracht.

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If we continue with the best statements, Michel Bau will go with his car. But kurz vor der Unterschrift an Hiobsbotschaft: Der Syrer ist mittlerweile im Land umüzweit. There would be a soft drink in the Kreis Pinneberg that is no longer the Landesaufnahmee-inrichtung in Boostedt ziständig für ihn, under the Kreisverwaltung.

The problem arises from two problems: these are new problems. There is a new Ansprechpartner, new Papierkram, Kurzum: more Bürokratie für Geschäftsführer Remer. Zum others bring the new Wohnort to the betrieblichen Arbeitsabläufe ducheinander. Denn Almahmoud war preparations for battle plans and columns – all matters for construction in Neumünster, not in Pinneberg. Jetzt is still not a new plan and not a single organization, but the helpful syrer ends up in a Arbeitsverhältnis kommt.

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