
Drohendes Verkehrschaos in Rosengarten: Ortsräte loading for Podiumdiscussion

Drohendes Verkehrschaos in Rosengarten: Ortsräte loading for Podiumdiscussion

The Ortsräte von Ehestorf, Leversen, Sottorf, Tötensen and Vahrendorf load a Podiumdiscussion at the Hotel Cordes in Rosengarten (Sottorfer Dorfstraße 2) on Tuesday, October 8 at 7:30 PM.

The theme of the Veranstaltung is the gefürchtete Verkehrschaos, which goes through the enormous construction work and the main traffic connections in the Regio Droht. Concrete is one of the planned Basic renovation of the B75 and the damned declensions, which started in September and are not yet in 2027 andauern sollen. If we look further at the major projects that carry out the eight construction years of the A1, such as construction and A7, then the production will be carried out.

Trotz protests begin with the Bauarbeiten

The initiators of the Veranstaltung have pushed through the bisherigen Erfungen with Ausweichverkehr in the Rosengarten region large Handlungsbedarf and an ongoing umfassende Solöung zur Relievung der Bürger and Gewerbetriibenden. Residents have been complaining since 2021 about the high costs of the navigation and navigation system, the sale by the Wohngebiet lenken, which has never been postponed.

Among the guests on the podium are high-ranking representatives of politics and representation, chair of Dr. Anjes Tjarks, senator of the Verkehr and Mobilitätswende Hamburg, and Rainer Rempe, Landrat des Landkreises Harburg. The soul of the discussion is that the stakeholders and experts are concerned with solving problems, while the verkehrsströme will help the construction phases, a burden for the anwohner and regional trade to minimize.

The population is hereby charged, it is active in the discussion and will be discussed.