
Still a secret path: Migros trägt weiteres Stück von Melectronics zu Grabe

Still a secret path: Migros trägt weiteres Stück von Melectronics zu Grabe

The Meelectronics online store is no longer available.
The Meelectronics online store is no longer available.


Melectronics online store is offline. Migro’s have seen a different story about the electronics market.

No time? Blue News fast for these sisters

  • Melectronics online store is offline.
  • The Migro’s have seen a different story about the electronics market.
  • Melectronics has sold a Mediamarkt.

The Migros sees another step towards Kahlschlag. There is a label in the webshop of Meelectronics that no longer works. It can not be that the orders take longer. “Thanks and Goodbye”, he is a statistic on the website, and further: “We are grateful for your trust and the great time, which dares to say with my other words.” Leave a message on the Schliessung.

In mid-June, Migros gave the Tochter Melectronics and Mediamarkt a break. Mediamarkt übernimmt 20 von 37 Standorten en führt this next time. All 200 messages and lessons about the state of affairs are based on the Mediamarkt. More information Mediamarkt weitere 18 Learn from others Branches.

Sales process is still ongoing

The branches, which were not übernommen, were closed until November 2024, the Migros can be a. If it lasts that long, man will never have war again. The first Melectronics-Läden, etwa in Wetzikon ZH, are few Wochen nach der Verkaufsankündigung geschlossen, whom blue News reported.

Neben Melectronics has sold the Migros version of SportX and Ochsner Sport. This Übernahme is performed as of March 1, 2025 – there are cases only part. On 22, the child is not clear. If you follow the service, the sale of Bike World becomes possible.

For more Migros-Töchter läuft der Kaufsprozess noch, etwa for the E-inrichtungskette Micasa or the Gartenfachmärkte of Do it + Garden. Here we see the Migros with Entscheiden in Herbst of Winter.