
Was the new Ernährungsempfehlungen inhalten

Was the new Ernährungsempfehlungen inhalten

New research into the food pyramid on a logical aspect. Plant protein sources were more strongly reformed, and people would consume less milk than with anhin.

French Obst sollte man jeden Tag essen, auf Fruchtsäfte lieber vistas.

French Obst sollte man jeden Tag essen, auf Fruchtsäfte lieber vistas.

Christian Beutler / NZZ

Wasser trinken, jeden Tag fresh Obst and Gemüse essen und maximal zwei-bis dreimal pro Woche Fleisch: Dazu raten das Bundesamt für Lebensmittelsicherheit and Veterinärwesen (BLV) as well as the Swiss Society for Ernährung (SGE) in its new Ernährungsempfehlungen.

Since 2011 the Swiss Food Pyramid is no longer available, this time an update has appeared. The Empfehlungen should get rid of the Grundlage new scientific recognitions übertested and updated. There are indications that there are no other psychological aspects. It is no longer the case that it is essentially not so. I think it will not work.

The most important changes

Neu sind Hülsenfrüchte, dazu heard etwa Bohnen und Linsen, in de Gruppe der Eiweisslieferanten. Find yourself with Fleisch, Fisch, Egg and Tofu. There were Hülsenfrüchte gemeinsam met treideproducts und kartoffeln bij de stoke Stärkelieferanten. The Linsen and Bohnen look sweet as Eiweiss, it is worth not asking too much. The food becomes tasty protein quellen when the meat is cooked.

If you are in the new Empfehlungen, you can achieve a maximum amount of your meat portions, including geflügel and verarbeiten Fleischs. A portion of entspricht 100 to 120 grams. If it is a larger company, there will be more forms in place. Bisher here is: «Konsumieren Sie Fleisch massive – in Consciousness, that is two by three Portionen Fleisch (incl. Geflügel und Fleischerzeugnisse) for Woche genügen.»

Milch and Nüsse end up in their own category

Milk was until now a part of the group of protein suppliers. New milk production of a private group. BLV writes that in one of the ingredients: «Milk products are a protein, including calcium suppliers, entirely in the quality of the meat. The control of both groups is aimed at the communication about their jewel role.»

If you need a serving of milk of 200 milliliters, this is not the case. Zuvor were es three portions taglich. The new company has a calcium content of 60 percent, the 40 percent can be mixed with other means, such as the use of minerals, mineral water or other gemstones.

A separate food group has a new image of Nuts and Sami, that is to say that the oil and the fats were so good. Recommended is, every day 15 to 30 grams of Nuts and Sami as a Walnut and sunflower kernel to eat. That was 20 to 30 grams. These details at the lower limit are the most important with the right aspects. If this food lasts so long, the Authors of the new food pyramid will write but, Nuts have no good eco-friendliness.

The new Swiss Lebensmittelpyramide.

The new Swiss Lebensmittelpyramide.

BLV Administrator

Kein Fruchtsaft more and little oil

The Fruchtsäften Ernährungsempfehlungen-tarieven ab. If you do this, you can let a portion of fruit pass through a glass. The glass is safe on the pyramid screen. On the new Lebensmittelpyramid-fehlt es. The car industry in the Erläuterungen-höchstens vier Gläser Saft with jewels zwei Dezilitern pro Woche. The quality of the reviews, the fact that the fruit has essentially grown, could have a negative impact on the blood sugar level.

Another question is with the oil. Bisher lautete die Recfehlung, daily 20 to 30 grams of plant oil to consume, also two to three Esslöffel. In the new Recfehlungen it is only 20 grams, also two Esslöffel. If it is good, then think of half the music. The result is that one of the following vorteilhafte shifts in the diet and the use of the right Omega-3 nutrients is possible. The healthy life of the car continues. It is logical that it is not so bad. Beim Rapsanbau was probably combated by pesticides.

Weshalb is a reduziert wurde, it is not clear. It is not necessarily a cause for concern, because all Pflanzenöle with perhaps some unhealthy Fettsäuren have become healthier. Although it takes an enormous amount of energy and energy that the ascendancy entails, while other couples are not spared from their speise plans. The Swiss Lebensmittelpyramide-empfiehlt aber in Vergleich zu other Ländern immer nor straight fell Öl. In Deutschland rät man nur noch zu einem Esslöffel Pflanzenöl pro Tag.

Was blieben ist: for all water drinks

Other other punks on the pyramid of life may have been left behind. If you get more pictures of the largest group, whoever is a man for all water drinks, wahlweise also unsustained herbal and fruit teas. Coffee and black tea can offer their fluid treats, a more moderate consumption – a trio of bag tags – with healthy and eco-friendly green suggestions.

If you want to buy portion sizes or potatoes for the tag, the amount of carbohydrate is sweeter. In the new Recommendation style, the “at least half in the form of whole grain” are displayed. This has never happened before: “For wheat products whole grain be favored.” Out of health is the clear form of sin. Whole grain products are well filled with fiber, which radiate their intestines and their positive properties on the intestinal flora.

Kein pauschales Abrateen von hochverarbeiteten Lebensmitteln

If the theme of the use of the Lebensmittel is used by the new Lebensmittelpyramid, it is automatically used. You can not judge whether there is an explicit analysis of the industrial high-productivity messages ab. It is a matter of an enterprise that has not ended the definition of Lebensmittel. The deletion of studies is not so bad that there is no question of a clear Empfehlungen that you can use. This einschätzung is carried out on the Fachleute.