
Start 2025: Flyv will start with Friedrichshafen as the first base

Start 2025: Flyv will start with Friedrichshafen as the first base

The new German regional airline has an unconventional model model. Now it flies to a start-up termin and the Flughafen Friedrichshafen as its first base party.

Flyvbird is getting better. They will “connect, more complex travel reports, annotations in the future and a huge amount of time” offer. And that will mean in the Aufbau a new German flight company on regional airport concentrations and the large metropolises out of the welds. The special: a fixed flight plan is not.

In the context of a journey from Braunschweig to Montpellier in France, read more about the Geschäftsmodell well described. That is man with the Auto Mindestens 13 Stunden on the way, with the Zug 16 Stunden and with classical Fluglinien also Stunden. At Flyvbird, which operates on the market as Flyv – let the trip on the website and use the algorithms, with the new regional airline for the gewünschtentag and the gewünschte Uhrzeit a long term can – if the time for the demolition and the ankunft . Klappt es, soll man snap four Stunden underwegs signal.

Tecnam Traveller for Start «ideal»

Property of the Fluggesellschaft End of the years let go. But now the start was postponed. “On 5 May 2025 we will start from Lake Constance Airport to our very first commercial flight”, Lutz said this day at an installation. Hosted by aeroTELEGRAPH is the best thing Friedrichshafen has done at the first base of its world. “It is one of the best locations, in the Lake Constance region it is a large part of the world and a strong market”, he said.

Zum Start wird Flyv zwei Tecnam P2012 Traveler einsetzen. A davon would serve as a backup pilot. “Inner life of two people will be able to travel with the help of four aircraft,” Lutz explains. In two to three years, 10 to 15 Tecnam Travelers are required. The flight is ideal for take-off and flight plan. Then Flyv will eröffnen auch weitere Basen.

Medium fresh own AOC

In the year 2023, the aircraft has taken flight for 25 electric Alice von Eviation Aircraft. A few years ago, it would be one of the 100 E-Stol of Electra. Daran stops the manfest, so Lutz. Both do not fly further than the series, erklärt er.

Flyvbird strives for its own Luftverkehrsbetreiberzeugnis (in jargon: AOC) and. Before you start, you will have to set up a partner. A possible candidate is Alpen Air, which Tecnam Traveler deals with. “We will always be involved with others in the conversation,” so Lutz.