
Automotive industry: Kretschmer: Sachsen in Sorge um Volkswagen

Automotive industry: Kretschmer: Sachsen in Sorge um Volkswagen

Prime Minister of Saxony Michael Kretschmer (CDU) is pressing with Blick on the Krise in VW-Konzern for “intelligent” framework arrangements for German Industry. “Wir sind nature in Sorge weg Volkswagen”, would be a conference for Transformation in the automotive industry in Dresden.

The “Leit-Werk der Elektromobilität” in Mosel near Zwickau is relatively safe, it is “an all-institution brand mold”. With one click on the Entwicklung der Automotive industry In German criticism, economic politics has become ‘zu einem Hemmnis’. “The man who performed clearly and enlighteningly here was the energy price..”

Europe’s largest car manufacturers are struggling to save money at the core market. It is possible to plant Stellenabbau during the alternative time and find a place that does not last longer. Work and maintenance work at the Core Market VW were no longer postponed. The service that has been working since 1994 offers a job guarantee. Damit are operating conditions for customers from July 2025 possible.

Kretschmer: VW-Werk in Zwickau is the only institutional brand

Mit der Fabrik in Mosel and the Chemnitzer Motorenwerk see Kretschmer VW Saxony “everything is good”. If you are certain about the staggered journey or the employment clauses. Criticism of the abolition of the Purchase Prämie for Electric Cars of Tomorrow, the first Vertrauen “and the purchaser is Ende mit der Kaufentscheidung Documentiert”.

The land government under the transformation of the automotive industry, new ways, new business models, new technologies, says Kretschmer. “There must be an appeal to the energy prices or the charging infrastructure, the state will be given priority.” There are many technologies and innovations in the future, which makes a chance bigger.

The description of a technology is “is with a Sicherheit a Fehler,” said Kretschmer. «Wir brauchen die Offenheit, die Breite.» It is finally the case that the Verbraucher, niece of the State, the individual, «who will heize or with welchen Autos wir fahren».

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