
Aufbruch in a veldversprechende Zukunft

Aufbruch in a veldversprechende Zukunft

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Aufbruch in a veldversprechende Zukunft
Ab 2026 found the HIGH END in ACV in Wien statt. © HIGH END SOCIETY Service GmbH

Wuppertal (ots) – The international Audiomesse HIGH END will take place 2026 in Standort and see from Munich to Wien. This road-going write-up by the HIGH END SOCIETY in the best turn of the year can make a clear difference between the Meilenstein on the future path of the prosperous audio technology fair.

Best Ausstellungsbedingungen with new Maßstäben

From May 15 to 18, 2025, the upcoming HIGH END 2025 took place once again in the Munich MOC Event Center. There is a great year-long audio fair at the Tore in Austria Center Vienna (ACV). The first-class events in the eastern Hauptstadt have been continuously renewed over the years and expanded with the new digital technology. Eine Vielzahl von modern Räumen in verschiedenen Green beets excellent Vorführmöglichkeiten. Weitere Sale und großflächige Hallen are for the free Standbau zur Verfügung. Insgesamt paint the ACV over 26,000 Quadratmeter Ausstellungsfläche on more Ebenen im Hauptgebäude and in the adjacent halls. This is how you find an Aussteller for your ill-considered optimal conditions for. Here I can see all the company-overzeugen, which have taken part in November 2023 and the FINEST AUDIO SHOW Vienna. A positive response on the road gives the active notification to the FAS Vienna status at the end of the ride, with the ACV a very good choice for the new Heimat der HIGH END hit by his haben.

It is the highest level for a traditional installation

The Standortwechsel started the HIGH END SOCIETY with many different perspectives and optimal possibilities, which HIGH END weiterzuentwickeln. Das ACV offers a modern, oriented Rahmen here. “The Austria Center Vienna is not nur with reformed Ausstellungsbedingungen, under one of a fortschrittlichen Environment, the level of the HIGH END scaffolding and in the following years it will happen,” says Stefan Dreischärf, Geschäftsführer of the Veranstalters. After 20 years on this website, we received news from the Zeitpunkt for a change in living conditions. De Entscheidung, de international audiomesse nach Wien zu shy, steht für Aufbruch, Erneuerung und zkunftsweisende Aussichten. “Wir since überzeugt, dass wir mit dieser maßnahme die HIGH END op een een een boekhere, een boekheid en zijn de kosten, dieser Wechsel can bring”, Dreischärf intermauerts the bedeutsamen Schritt.

Vienna is an attractive trade fair and music city

The Weltoffene city and the Danube embody international flair, traditions, traditions and a resounding cultural experience. Year after year, the Austrian metropolis has attracted twelfth guests from all over the world. Vienna is a renewed experience and offers a great music experience for the HIGH END, while everything is an excellent music career. Combine with the extensive logistics beds, it is an ideal choice for sales. “The new location provides a perfect connection for a trade fair and would be an atmospheric and profitable signal for all purposes”, says Stefan Dreischärf.

Condition by the Association

As an example of the HIGH END SOCIETY, the association of interests in high tone and imaging, which actively promotes the development of the heritage of HIGH END and promotes the development of their efforts. “In the event that a great opportunity has a great chance, the HIGH END nor attractive when it comes to international settlement points that stand out for their power and their power,” erklärt Jürgen Timm, Vorstandsvorsitzender of the Verbands. “We are happy with a new story of the 40-year Message Tradition of the HIGH END.”

With a greater welcome to the strong community of the HIGH END SOCIETY in short on the coming days, for the change from Munich to Vienna a path-breaking step in a much-talked-about future will be seen.

The term:

HIGH END Munich 2025 – May 15 to 18, 2025

HIGH END Vienna 2026 – 28. to 31. May 2026

HIGH END Vienna 2027 – May 6-9, 2027

HIGH END Vienna 2028 – 25. to 28. May 2028


The HIGH END – the internationally renowned Audio-Messe – gives a hearing to the first music class of the first class. These four years are impulse-givers for producers, manufacturers and consumers of high-quality audio technology. For four days in May, the entire world of expertise comes together in Munich, when hundreds of producers from around 40 countries present their news in the Halls and Atrien of the MOC. After 21 years in Munich, we have seen the HIGH END 2026 in Standort and see Vienna.

Press contact:
Claudia Kazner
PR and communications
Form Eichholz 2g
42119 Wuppertal
Phone: +49 202 702022
Email address:
[email protected]

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Source: HIGH END SOCIETY Service GmbH