
1931–2024: Caterina Valente is until

1931–2024: Caterina Valente is until

Die Paris-born Sängerin starb am Montag 93-jährig, with his Agentur miteilte. The past ones spent their lives happily in the open air in their home in Lugano. Interview excerpts or other publications are available on a regular basis via your Facebook account, including a press release about your personal information.

Music in the cradle

The artistic vein Valente was placed in the rock. Valentes Vater, the Italian Giuseppe, war an Accordion-Virtuose, in different variants. Die Mutter Maria in St. Petersburg is considered one of the best musical clowns in the world. And during the Urgroßvater war Zirkusdirektor. Schon with fun years stand sie zum ersten Mal – gemeinsam with ihren three Geschwistern – in the Zirkusmanege.

The Kriegswirren have been playing their musical music for a few years now: In 1943, while playing a guest play in Berlin, their whole family was singing a bombing riff. If you want to get through all the German versions of the war quickly, you can find Valente in a hotel, so the family can be deported from Russia.

Photo series with 10 images

Comet holder after boarding

Valente then returned to Paris and acted as a nightclub singer, another with the damask yet unintentional Gilbert Becaud. The 50s are emancipated by the family and the power of their first broadcast in Radiostudio Zurich. In 1954 with the ‘Four Lads’ song ‘Istanbul’ in his first flat story, a comet hit followed within the kürzester Zeit – and that is international and in different genres.

In 1954 he landed with „Ganz Paris träumt von der Liebe“ – a version of the Cole-Porter-Songs „I love Paris“ – in a first mega hit. I am looking forward to playing in „Mannequins für Rio“ in the first filmauftritt. A year later he landed with „Malaguena“ in the first place in the US-Charts – and with a German number of the Kubanische Komponisten Ernesto Lecuona.

Hits, Movies, Shows

In Germany they are loved as Schlagerstar Hits am laufenden Band wie „Fiesta Cubana“ (1955), „Wo meine Sonne scheint“ (1957), „Spiel noch einmal für mich, Habanero“ (1958), „Tschau, Tschau Bambina“ ( 1959). Valente punktete for all with lyrics, the exotic orten and sehnsucht after the ferne acted, a characteristic of the German schlagers in the nachkriegszeit. Valente has sung the wiederaufbauära of the Seele, written by the publisher and writer Dieter Bartetzko. Valente interpretation of international hits and evergreens in German is new, others can also be read with their written compositions.

Perennial guest in TV shows

Gleichzeitig depends on the recording as a schauspielerin: Were they anfangs nur Gastauftritte, entstanden End der 50er und Anfang der 60er Years einige Musikfilme mit Valente in der Hauptrolle. Before you start your TV show: 1957, you will enjoy your German TV show (“Bonjour Katrin”). Gemeinsam mit Kollegen wie Peter Alexander und Vico Torriani war sie over Jahrzehnte Dauergast in Musikshows – en damn in deutschen, österreichischen und Schweizer Wohnzimmern.

Caterina Valente and Peter Alexander

APA/dpa/Dieter Klar

In unzähligen TV-Shows Seite en Seite: Valente and Peter Alexander

Career in the US

Valente verkörperte aber more as good Laune and Schlagerseligkeit. The end of the 1950s brought his first Bossa-Nova-Songs heraus – a novelty in the German music landscape and the Anfang-dessen, which was gold plated as “Weltmusik”. Auch in Italy and France could rejoice.

In the US, the jazz singer began to receive a Grammy nomination in 1959. In the 60s, it was possible to help Karriere in the US. They play with stars such as Dean Martin, Chet Baker, Ella Fitzgerald, Benny Goodman, Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby and Johnny Carson together. If published in the country’s talk shows, they become more popular. 1965 was declared the first American player with the „Fame Award“.

Ausnahmetalent and Perfectionistin

Valente is equally good as a stimulating talent for taking on as a heart-warming perfectionist. During the Colleagues and Colleagues who have found “First Take Lady”, we can appreciate the first prize. The Grande Dame of the European music war has not yet been created by the European Union and the cosmopolitan power – in the laurel period of life, the born Italian has come to German and French citizenship. She mastered two languages ​​​​flißend. She took 1,500 songs in her career, and that in twelve different languages.