
Brigittenau: Open House at the Nordwestbahnhof Museum

Brigittenau: Open House at the Nordwestbahnhof Museum

The Museum Nordwestbahnhof lasts on Saturday, 14. and Sonntag, 15. September for the end of the day. Besucherinnen and Besucher can find the detailed history of the former Wiener Güterbahnhofs im Rahmen von free Führungen endecken.

WIEN/BRIGITENAU. On Wednesday 14th and 15th September, the Museum Nordwestbahnhof opens its doors for all interests. From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., free Kurzführungen were given, which were observed outside Voranmeldung. The 15-minute flight is an exciting event in the way of the former Wiener Nordwestbahnhofs and the Seiner Umgebung.

Additionally found on Saturday a 14 and 16 o’clock two expert introductions with the initiators of the museums, Michael Hieslmair and Michael Zinganel, statt. These events take place in the historical activity and development of the areas.

History of the Nordwestbahnhofs

The Wiener Nordwestbahnhof was opened on June 1, 1872 and the war began, becoming a more important issue for passenger traffic in Vienna and Berlin. The majority of your business activities are fun and easy to play with. Trotz signaler einst großen Bedeutung geriet der Bahnhof im Laufe der Zeit in Vergessenheit.

Since 2015, Michael Hieslmair and Michael Zinganel have been working together with the “Tracing Spaces” project to develop the Bahnhofs with their machine. Since 2020, the project of the Namur “Museum Nordwestbahnhof” has been carried out and is being presented as a collection of stories running a railway station and a unique experience. The themes of the museums are based on the Fischerei and Landgewinning in Vienna on 19. Jahrhundert, the Entwicklung of the Eisenbahn- and Transportwesens ensure the diverse Zwischennutzungen des Geländes.

Michael Zinganel and Michael Hieslmair are busy covering a track at the Geschichte des Güterumschlagplatzes. | Photo: Eva Hofer

The Nordwestbahnhof finds its heute im Wandel: The backlash of the logistical hubs and the plans for a new city are in full swing. The Museum Nordwestbahnhof will no longer look at the history of the place, but will play a role in the future city development. More information can be found online at

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