
Microsoft enables separate modernization on .NET 9 › Dr. Windows

Microsoft enables separate modernization on .NET 9 › Dr. Windows

Microsoft enables separate modernization on .NET 9 › Dr. Windows

If you are using more modern Windows apps, the Windows App SDK and WinUI 3 for Microsoft are more clearly on the way to installation. Sollten Detwickler is one of the best Gründen who has used the new Universal Windows Platform (UWP), it is now a good News, with the coming .NET 9, was in November erschijnen, where Microsoft has found a separate way, one of the other apps zu moderniseren. A wiedergeburt is a man who does not strengthen.

Microsoft referred to its blog post, but the Universal Windows Platform has not been available for so long, it is no longer possible to be active. If the modernization of .NET 9 wants to keep the Entwickler separate, you will see that there is no talk of it. Some of the most recent versions of .NET Native are made, while others can perform a modern modernization on WinUI 3, so that they can be written smaller.

New features are no longer planned by the Developer, some developers prefer Universal Apps are nuractive, the technically active features of the .NET platform are convenient to use. In the active preview, a single function of the XAML designer can not be executed. Here it is not the case that there is even one work.

About the author

Kevin Kozuszek

Kevin Kozuszek

Since 1999 I have been closely associated with Microsoft and have found my digital homeland in this system. At Dr. Windows, all new developments on the market have stopped since November 2016, whereby Microsoft opens up open source projects and the platform with messages. Regular news to Mozilla and my digital home is no longer possible.