
Rosemarie Zeh feierte 100. Geburtstag

Rosemarie Zeh feierte 100. Geburtstag

Külsheim. Rosemarie Zeh is a servant at Haus Anna in Külsheim ihren 100. Geburtstag. The Stellvertretende Bürgermeisterin Katja Firmbach is grateful for the name of the joint Brunnenstadt.

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They are proud of the Jubilarin neben een Präsent der Gemeinde eine von Winfried Kretschmann, Prime Minister des Landes Baden-Württemberg, unterzeichnete Ehrenurkunde zu ihrem besonderen Ehrentag.

Rosemarie Zehn was born on September 10, 1924 in Kappel/Lenzkirch. Damals say that the world will expand a little in itself, gravierenden Umbruch. A dunkle Zeit is only bare in Anfang, with Leid, Schrecken and Tod.

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90. Birthday

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When the Second World War began, war Rosemarie Zeh 15 years old. When a first war takes place in normal normal time, the family dies in the house, at the gardener and at the care of the young generations who are busy with the education. Man makes a Black Forest farm in Feldberg-Falkau with wheat mill, agriculture and wood trade with own forest. Damask war Family affiliation is no longer überlebensnotwendig. Wertschätzendes and eight-same Miteinander was given as self-understandable.

Rosemarie She learned after her debt to a Nähschule in Neustadt das Nähen von Kleidern and Wäsche, her Freude power was less. Anschließend follows an Ausbildung zur Krankenschwester in the Marien hospital in Stuttgart. 1952 heir and death with his husband for 45 years until 1997.

Die nun 100-Jährige hat nach een Leben fuller Höhen en Tiefen ihren 98. Burtstag nor in ihrem eigenen Zuhause in Titisee/Hochschwarzwald gefeiert, umgeben von Familie, Freunden and Bekannten. Then you must have a place in your homeland and your beloved environment. Gerne remembers a few dams that spaziergänge and Schwätzchen on the Seepromenade or a boat trip on the Titisee.

After a while in my life, the common High Black Forest nun arrived in Külsheim im Haus St. Anna. They are regularly observed by the Tochter and Schwiegersohn and are grateful to them throughout the day: “Heimat is da, we loved people since!”

The FN is happy with itself. pkw