
EUDR: BLE provides continuous information for processing

EUDR: BLE provides continuous information for processing

Bonn (agrar-PR) – Große Unternehmen müssen die EU-Verordnung für entwaldungsfreie Produkte (EUDR) ab dem 30. Dezember 2024; for the smallest, small and medium objects (KMU) gilded from 30. June 2025 as starting term. The Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE) has continuously active information available on the website An article has appeared on des Bundesinformationszentrums Landwirtschaft (BZL) that a secret Erzeuger von Soja, Rind und Holz jetzt tun können, one of the Anforderungen der Verordnung vorbereitet zu sein.

In the production of the secret primary product, such as beef, soya and wood, the Rule includes small processing. Substantially, farmers and landowners can inherit the requests of the EUDR, if they can use a digital Sorgfaltserklärung in the EU information system for a year. This system has the internal registration of 24 hours on a reference number, which forms the production of products and the Abnehmmer-übermitteln. This number runs with the goods along the label. We have a wide range of primary products in the Netherlands that are ready for use and who are interested in the latest information, including information about geolocation and localization, information about the articles available at ausführlich dar.

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All German market and trade companies have found the most important products that require the EUDR, find on the BLE website an extensive information page: here is a representation of a video, the Basic information of the regulation and its representation was at the Sorgfaltserklärung on the market security zukomm as well as the German and English-speaking questions-answers-catalogue of the EU Commission to the EUDR. Further information resources, by way of example, picture frames with steps for steps, which represent the various requirements for large and small companies, are published by the BLE in Kürze. Darüber has received a newsletter for all market opening messages.


The Europäische Union (EU) has for the European Market that “EU Regulation on Environmentally Friendly Products”, kurz EUDR (English: Regulation on Deforestation-Free Products), has been brought to the market. Marktakteure müssen künftig für Rinder, Kakao, Kaffee, Ölpalme, Kautschuk, Soja und Holz nachweisen, that is ‘enwaldungsfrei and legal’ produced. This product is ready for use, relevant Erzeugnisse (listed in Anhang I of the EUDR), you will have to pay for the products produced after December 31, 2020. Entwaldung oder Waldschädigung stattgefunden hat.

The Regulation is effective from December 30, 2024 for major future developments; for the smallest, small and medium objects (KMU) gilded from 30. June 2025 as starting term. For holz products, the EU Holzhandelsverordnung (EUTR) must work among the Frisians.

The Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE) which have the Aufgabe, the Verordnung umzusetzen and über the new Verordnung zu informierieren. The jewels of the Bundesländer are responsible for controlling the sales of primary production in the country and the economy in Germany.