
German Ski Elite Trained in Argentina » Ski World Cup Season 2024/25 » All News, Men’s News, Top News

German Ski Elite Trained in Argentina » Ski World Cup Season 2024/25 » All News, Men’s News, Top News

The German Ski National Team has reached the end of the world in its training camp and others and has undergone intensive training for the coming World Cup season. In Ushuaia, Argentina, the German Ski Associations are training to prepare themselves optimally for the World Cup event at the end of October in Sölden. The region in the province of Tierra del Fuego, which extends over the Feuerland, clashes with the athletes in the Cerro Castor ski area, is not of the first-class training conditions, under a finished panorama.

Fabian GratzRiesenslalom-Spezialist, beschrieb de Trainingsbedingungen als de secret Verhältnissen, hob jedoch hervor, dass der Meerblick bei der Rückkehr ins Hotel een specialer Unterschied gewesen sei. As soon as the start of the track quickly turned into more, the athlete was a new training bot. Anton Tremmel very much to that final training and concrete that are at the low training grade.

Argentinian: slow elevators and culinary highlights

Neben den landschaftlichen Unterschieden gab es in Argentina auch infrastructurelle Besonderheiten. The lifts were along the way as the gewohnten in Europe, it was the training and it was power, who Jonas Kousenmakerthe first time in Argentinean training, explained. I think that the athletes who use the Argentinean cuisine, want to taste the Argentinean steak, that there may be some strange dishes. Anton Grammel concrete, that’s Essen different war as in Germany, aber on jeden Fall an interesting Umstellung darstellte.

Vorbereitung af the new Weltcup-Saison

Alexander SchmidWorld Champion and one of the athletes in the team, who have taken over the Bedeutung des Trainingslagers in Argentina. It is clear that the training is a more in-depth wettkampfbedingungen than most people in Germany, who are now taking a Gletschern training course. Neben Smith, Trembling, Congratulations, Grammel and Stocking maker were also Simon Jocher, Sebastian Holzmann and Linus Street with in Argentine. One of the German ladies is one of the other international ski teams now conducting their training activities in Ushuaia.

The German Mannschaft hofft, that is the kleine reisgelohnt and the sportler zum Saisonauftakt in Topform sind. For other athletes, the Vorbereitung in Argentineen prefers little glücklich, wie der Fall een Austrian Skifahrerin said, who sich dort schwer letzte.

Quelle: Frankfurter Rundschau /

Official FIS Ski World Cup Calendar of the Men Saison 2024/25

Official FIS Ski World Cup Calendar of the Damen Saison 2024/25