
These specific methods are urgently needed if they are used

These specific methods are urgently needed if they are used

As new technologies increase the various possibilities for displacement and digitization of human expertise, more T, H, and X types are being developed.

With the development of the infrastructure and the development of young, strong, agile and modern development methods, new organizational designs, new forms of work, new skills and new technologies: Smart-City-Entwickler, Robot-Dis ponent, 3D Artisan, AI Trainer, Prompt Engineer, Metaverse Creator, Technology Ethicist, Circular Economy Designer.

If you want to see a different wind, there is no new Berufsbildern Platz on your machine. And that is so, who everything else, the longer your passions. 85 Prozent der Berufsbilder, de 2030 de Arbeitsmarkt bestimmen werken, gab es vor Kurzem noch gar nicht, so de Untersuchung “Realizing 2030: Die Zukunft der Arbeit” of the institutes for the future in Zusammenarbeit with dem Technologyunternehmen Dell.

The new life is all about dynamics, combinations, experiments, coordination, cooperation, individualization and emotional development. They long for a longing for the human as for the new technology. Zunehmend says that it is so, who has the expertise of the vergangenheit on the board, we will try everything that would otherwise want to do.

The übergreifende Vernetzung has been given a grim bedeutung

Global digital technology, the increasingly important climbing walks that form the new combination of technology and industry in business ecosystems for the economic economy, will no longer have a burden in the past. One of the many possibilities that you have achieved is the maximum adaptability competence – and many more generalists with more foundation knowledge and fetigkeiten.

Because multi-pectivist thinking and combining actions will lead to better business operations, it will become an ever-expanding foundation of knowledge that will continue to grow. Grundvoraussetzung dafür und Zugleich Unverzichtbar is een leibenslang, own initiative Lernbereitschaft, one for those who are ever more enthusiastic Zukunft gerüstet zu sein.

So make sure you fund general generalists for your employability, while you are also the best intellectuals of the pure specialist specialists. Often he is of KI as co-maker and co-assistant and are generalists with multiple competencies, initiators in the gang who bring ideas, ideas and ideas to a new level, unconventional wise miteinander vernüpfen.

A broad basis of knowledge provides a separation

People with wide-ranging interests, broad-based knowledge and open-minded communication encounter a lack of security and better communication, since they could have more options. They have a larger hand-lung repertoire and more openness to new experiences. When you see specialists who have gone through a lupe, your expertise was enormous. This is of course very difficult. But isolated individual actions could be brought about in networked consequences that could lead to great disaster.

The specialist center is a system in the area of ​​​​the individual parts, and every part range is for its optimization. There are interesting conflicts of interest and internal legal arguments, because everyone fights for his part range or his part resolution. Generalists have found the big goose in Blick. So this is the Beispiel of the touchscreen. There is no bigger picture or a comfortable taste, both come together in a new form. And that is bad? A giant follower.

Generalists have a good understanding of the complexity and accepting a large acceptance. If you are not in an area, it can not be otherwise. In the shopping mode you can choose from a number of options. In particular can be considered Roles, when peripheral themes suddenly become mainstream. Schauen will help us I, T, H and X once.

I-shaped: clear a few individual features

Specialists will definitely reach a higher level, but their point of view is that the whole book is not stable. Your Fachwissen is a fundamental and very valuable, but weig idea. You can think of an art silo. Only that, what the inner half of these limits comes to mind. The own is the best of all solutions, but the specialist will not know others.

Specialists who often work in one of the compartmentalized worlds. They analyze and analyze. And that goes on and on. So they spoil their valuable time, in the future no one dies anymore. Because we often had to deal with knowledge, it was not true in the Next Economy. This is a great expertise. If you know that you have an alternative, it is wise not to commit a marginal sin.

No one is “out” educated anymore. Specialists who can increase their position, continuously compensate their assets and if I have a more stable machine, I am best “on the job” nahezu-täglich. Discover the palette of the e-learning program, learning games, learning podcasts, webinars, learning apps and the use of personal AI learning assistants.

T-shaped: in the deep and in the active width

Symbolism by the T-Vereinen T-formed Profile Abilities of Specialists and Generalists. If you have your own expertise (some rights on the line), you can do relevant things in the adjacent areas or on the border of nets (true lines), so it is a good trade and maybe a few things. If you think you are a certain expert, there is no question of a certain situation.

Most talent types are one of the best projects in their projects, but they are easier to orient and become better in new roles. If you want a rising meaning of shared leadership, you can do this. It is one of the practical models that are in a project team in the situation and that operate as an entrepreneur and as an entrepreneur.

An example of the T-shaped profiles is the following Full-Stack profile. “Full stack” is placed in a “complete package”. As a beginner in the IT industry used, a woman knows the Full-Stack Developer: programmer, both the frontends (the Benutzeroberfläche) and the backends (the data bank) included. Talent with a full-stack profile is often found in startups.

H-shaped: the connections between the world

“I have two superpowers,” writes a reader. If you can see the big picture and are worth recognizing that this is the case, others are often hidden. If you have an integrated “oversetzungskompetenz,” you can use non-technical technical facilities and hierarchical networks to connect a number of things and ways that you can connect, or provide other possibilities.

Interdisciplinary solutions Thinking and a communicative bringing together more projects or projects that are the leader, if there are many specialists in the work. In most cases there are talent types that work in the construction of buildings, often there are connectors that drink and draußen. If you see that it is not own beitrag, you can think of everything, that is all possible, and a lot of effort.

If it is good, special questions about different types of combinations are one of the best associations there is. Solche Menschen can with greater ease in different ways of thinking merge. If you can no longer solve the problem, you will end up in a confusing situation. The high-quality talent profile can provide in the form of a rapid innovation innovation.

X-shaped: the type that can be used more

X-shaped talent profile combines completely different, non-interrelated disciplines. The best design is the digital transformation with the green transformation, including Twin Transformation. Those, in both cases, a previous strategy, are considered as Twin Transformer or Twin Performer. You are listening to your future. Either way, our planet will not be doing so well anymore.

Cut-off points (the center of the X) are the most dynamic places for forward movement and walking. You can take an example from the thinking and setting of the previous weeks. They offer best opportunities for the new combination of possibilities. See outside, who at a road crossing, the horizon. See the new viewpoint. A man can go in new directions.

When the H-Type is the first inner space of the company in Rahmen-laufender-projects, the X-Type is led over its own company borders and the industry is newly developed. Both types think unternehmerisch and are extremely instructive. If you want to know: during the taking over of credits and the cutting of ideas, which the Lauf der Dinge grim side effects or sogar radicale verärnen.


You can find more information in my new book “Future master“.