
Doppel-Clubmeisterschaften des TCES: exciting and exciting |

The Sieger clots from left: Susanne Meierhans/Gaby Schilliger and Marco Kaufmann/Michael Kälin. Image zVg.

The final of the final in Herrendoppel will be played by Marco Kaufmann/Michael Kälin and the ladies Gaby Schilliger/Susanne Meierhans.

pd. Ebicon. On Samstag, August 31, you can enjoy beautiful water with the young club members of Tennis Clubs Ebikon Schindler on the Tennis Places in Rischstatt.

The Women’s Contest would be “all against all” in the Round Robin system. At Schluss, Gaby Schilliger triumphs with Susanne Meierhans as Doppelmeisterinnen. Watch the Niederlage during the game.

When people see a group game before they go into the Platzierungsrunde. Both Gruppensieger-Paar Antonio Rezic with Mathias Weber see Marco Kaufmann and Michael Kälin cancel the Final. And they both achieved MK and won the first Clubmeister title as a Duo. Abgerundet is de Tag in een fine Grillplausch und der Siegerehrung.