
„Sonnenkraftwerk NÖ“ – With Gmünder Know-how zu Europas größstem PV-Bürgerbeteiligungsmodell

„Sonnenkraftwerk NÖ“ – With Gmünder Know-how zu Europas größstem PV-Bürgerbeteiligungsmodell

More than a hundred years ago, the project “Sonnenkraftwerk NÖ” started with photovoltaic installations, while the country lacks financial and organized projects that would allow a large number of PV citizen involvement models in Europe. 30,000 panels with a capacity of 12,000 kWp were installed.

A central role is played by the “Haustechnik Planungsgesellschaft” (HTPG) from Gmünd: an alternative energy concept that specializes in the design of 13 projects for plans and construction plans. On the roof of the PBZ Schrems, the first of these solar power plants in the forest district went into operation.

The HTPG from 1978 was created in the factory After the Entwicklung and Begleitung larger projects for PV, Geothermal and Natural Stone, a long lifespan is possible. In the home, you are also welcome to visit: You are in a living room on the Turmweg 7 in Gmünd-Grillenstein and you can enjoy your home without any problems. It is a fact that the job of the 19-person company is often clean.

For all your great energy savings, you can use Spitälern zuhause. So in 2015, the Landesklinikum Neunkirchen became a more powerful HTPG-Mitwirkung as a “Geothermal Project” project: “In 116 Bohrungen im Abstand von sieben Metern it was insgesamt 14 Kilometers below that Erde. The heating machine can be used in winter when the hot water pump is used, such as 80 products from the Heizbedarfs and 90 Prozents from the Kühlungsbedarfs,” says Geschäftsführer Günther Ferenczy. The remainder was covered by biomass.

The major energy theme at the Spitälern level is higher than the standard standards that are not adapted to the quality of cooking, as the central wasseraufbereitung, klärt Ferenczy auf. Weil: The Dusch- en Waschwasser-müsse roads der Legionellen-Gefahrtstets auf 60 Grad contents. The lost times – who says: “Hoch motivierten, bestens gebildeten” – Teams since no longer have to deal with messages and information flows small Durchlauf-Erhitzer bei dem Anschluss statt zentraler Netze, “so the Verteilverluste fallen away”.

Sonnenkraftwerk NÖ PBZ Schrems 2024

When PBZ Schrems can not reach half of the roads on the roads of the houses with the best PV modules. Neubauten can in this overview of the house an efficient gestaltet.

Günter Fürnkranz

Search for the maximum. The best energy concept on the solar power base is, if it is good, where the peaks of the energy production merge with the energy wiring. Clinics and care institutions with the bedarfsspitzen of the form of the night, said Ferenczy – voausgesetzt, that the Liveability of the Dachshund plays. The Haustechnik planning company runs on the basis of analyses to find the most advanced concept.

Beautiful is not more efficient. At PBZ Schrems with multiple arches and bunks the concept has somewhat fizzled out, says Ferenczy. Now that half of the roof surface can be adapted and adapted for PV systems in other ways, the installation can be carried out by the Schremser Elektrotechnik Meindl function.

The manual storage of the installation with 330 modules and a capacity of 121,000 kWh costs a lot per year. Etwa 90 Prozent des produzierten Stroms können laut Günther Ferenczy self-verbraucht zijn: “This affects the CO2 emissions, the Abhängkeit of global Marken and Business costs, and is auch auch unbalanced Beitrag zum Klimaschutz.”

htpg 2024 pbz-schrems

Arbeiten am Dach des PBZ Schrems.


From Mauer to Elite-Uni. The HTPG has the Zuschlag for its own further project with 2,658 kWp at “Sonnenkraftwerk NÖ”, which is still not working. Dazu zählen neben Klinikum und PBZ Hainburg, Klinikum Hollabrunn, Uniklinik Krems (Strahlentherapie), Elite-Uni IST Klosterneuburg (“eines der schönsten Projekte”), PBZ in Wallsee, Raabs und Herzogenburg, Bezirkshauptmannschaften Krems und Zwettl, Fachschule Edelhof, Straßenmeisterei Krems auch Klinikum and PBZ Mauer are the largest Kraftwerk im Modell with 800 kWp.

Keine Krise am Bau, Personal is clever. “The future is grim, but the roads of the National Energy and Climate Plan,” said Ferenczy. Another Krise spürt is here – jene am Personalsektor: „Wir suchen händeringend Gebäude(HKLS)- und Energietechniker!“ In Gmünd they are especially narrow, one person at a standord in Wien 12, we have more people working as in Firmensitz. – Geplantt ist, in Research projects auch KI zur Optimierung der Energiesysteme inzubinden.

Meidling is one of HTPG’s major projects on the Schauplatz. Here after the UKH had carried out the work for the AUVA trauma centres, the “Weißen Hof” was demolished. Interesting and new constructions from the engineers’ research: There is no mention of a research on the file. “Therefore the concept from Neunkirchen could be further developed here”, says Ferenczy of just 300 lower limbs for the earth’s warm use, “all roofs were covered and – like the façades – optimised for the PV use”.

HTPG likes the energy concept, but can also be considered as a building product.

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