
Viele Netzperren will last longer

Viele Netzperren will last longer

There are war dams in the first autumn of Germany with a new private internet agent. In February 2021, the Clearingstelle Urheberrecht op internet (CUII), an alliance with the internet provider and the judge, in the Mitgliedern to recommend, block. The power over the power is always protected Series-gratis zugänglich.

Because of the increasing useless functions of the user, the DNS support is no longer suitable for wollen, and the Betreiber*innen alternative domains can be used. These are blocked by the CUII without any new decision. A page is

Irgendwann between March 5 and April 12, 2022, the Urheberrechts-Piraten, wie op nachvollziehen konnte, aufgegeben. The page will go offline and continue on This will link Betreibers who do not have a blockable IP address in your Angebots.

Website has been illegally blocked for years

Spätestens ab dem 14. Mai steht dort sudem eine Anleitung, wie man Netzsperren ummeht. The Seite Serien.domain is not blocked in Germany.

As of April 12, 2022, the Sperrung von, which appeared on, has been unfairly insulted. There will now be websites that want to introduce a structure for the distribution of the rights of the CUII and the Verabredung with the Bundesnetzagentur.

Damian, after his own 17-year-old Schüler, fragmented his year at the CUII at the end of August after the legal basis of the Sperrung von An ant herb is not applicable. 13 Tage später wurde aber vom ersten Provider von der Sperre befreit, nor a foursome Tage später vom zweiten, am Tag danach von Nummer threerei. Damian says gegenüber

It is best, if the CUII is not in the war, that this domain be closed, and this dennoch be spelled for a whole year.

We read Eingriff in the free information

A DNS lock is a further extension of the information-free information, which the internet provider will leave, the single lock-up set-up, a regular monitoring, it restores, that the lock-out – the structural inheritance right – continues to be maintained, as long as it is locked. It is worth using the Verhaltenskodex as the Bundesnetzagentur vor. If the monitoring has been carried out, it is even a statistical finding that cannot be carried out. From the eye, from the mind, so it seems.

Jan Bernd Nordemann, Vorsitzender van de Steuerungskreises der CUII, schreibt auf Anfrage von, dass CUII-Rechteinhaber, de DNS-Sperren für strukturell urheberrechtsverletzende Webseiten veranlasst is, verpflichtet seien, met geeigneten maßnahmen zu überwachen, ob die rechtlichen Voraus stel een DNS in -Sperre of the relevant domains have appeared previously. „Vergibt dieses Monitoring, als de Voraussetzungen voor een Sperre nicht meer vorliegen, teilen teilen regarding CUII-Rechteinhaber der CUII-Geschäftsstelle with, if the DNS-Sperre may be involved. The CUII Geschäftsstelle has found a number of unintended CUII access providers, but the DNS block has been removed,” it continues.

If 130 domains are targeted for DNS locks on the initiative of CUII straight integration, the domains will no longer be used for the criminally nuanced model. “In all cases, the DNS security performed during the CUII transition is unedited and bug-free.”

Damian can’t make any more money, the CUII will be blocked for a year without right. started on July 29, 2023 with a banner: „Buy this domain“. started on December 8, 2022 more than ever, started on February 9, 2023. And it is still not possible that websites are increasingly blocked, while the block is now outdated.

Ein Drittel der Domains zu Unrechtsperrt

“That puts the CUII’s competence in question,” Damian said. The 17-year-old Schüler found a page on that created an online page of internet pages, while the page with serial numbers appears on a list of websites made in Germany. A report appeared in August that Damian had spoken to the Unterhaltungsindustrie.

Damian is now no more website on the list of pages that are looking for passage and anyway, but also no legal references on the domainstattfinden. On 23. August 41 of 122 of the CUII domains were no longer available or access to websites eh, the niece of CUII-Sperren was affected, so Damian. Seemlich genau a third of the domains were unfortunately blocked.