
20 Zentimeter langes Küchenmesser in backpack ➤ Hessen am Morgen: Die Nachrichten in Ticker |

20 Zentimeter langes Küchenmesser in backpack ➤ Hessen am Morgen: Die Nachrichten in Ticker |

“Refresh” for the Mainufer in Frankfurt after the EM

The Fan Mile of the Fußball Europameisterschaft on the Mainufer in Frankfurt is what it’s all about, but the traces of the strong Nutzung have never been so good. Jetzt is one of the times, the Mainufer will primarily look to the future, no matter how the city is managed.

The Grünflächenamt and the Tourismus+Congress GmbH have taken the trouble to make the Races and the soil healthier. The Baumbestand is erfasst. Roads of the great treatises that the museum war lasts for a while, no longer start, while the city continues.

Other workers, who were Rasenoder Wieseneinsaat, could first follow in the Herbstmonaten. Die Wiederherstellung soll bis in Frühjahr 2025 andauern. It is necessary to become the most important abschnittsweise Sperrt.

Dunkle Wolken über der Fanmeile am Frankfurter Mainufer