
Poysdorf – Im Einsatz in Stephansdom und Palais bis zu Luxushotels

Poysdorf – Im Einsatz in Stephansdom und Palais bis zu Luxushotels

Schreiber & Partner started with a Tischlerworkshop and started with: Steinmetzmeister Wilhelm Schreiber presented the Tischlermeistern, where the Möglichkeiten in Sachen Holz and Stein, under the kitchen tables, gibt.

If the Betriebsführung is no longer the new computer-controlled Brückensäge, a funf-Achsen-Drehkopfsäge, one of the most modern Machine Parks, in recent years is a great experience, one of the reausforderungen that you can use. Schreiber & Partner is in the restoration of historic ring roads and palaces in Vienna and provides the luxurious Ausgestiltung of hotels, gastronomy and private homes.

A special highlight is the Schauplattengarten. In the Freigelände the top stone slabs have been set out and the knowledge here can make a flat slab for your kitchen or other other dishes. “It is of course true that the Musterkollektionen zu Auswahl are natural,” informed Wilhelm Schreiber. „We can do it with a good home environment,” said junior chef Rainer Schreiber. Granite from Upper Austria or from the Waldviertel, from the stones from Kärnten, from Steiermark or from Burgenland there are wonderful stones, which were seen, they were said to be.

Under the war of Burgermeister David Jilli, der Schreiber & Partner as one of the top stakeholders of Poysdorfs and for all also as ausgezeichneten Arbeitgeber für mittlerweile 27 Mitarbeiter bezeichnete. Auch Restaurator Klaus Wedenig, a scary Zusammenarbeit with Schreiber & Partner at Restaurierungen with the Poysdorfer Dreifaltigkeitssäule connected, war ebenso zum Tag der crimes Tür come.

Das Weingut Tögl provides the Wein and Wein.Keller.Sporr for the dazugehörigen Brote a Weinviertler Heurigenjause.