
Erstes Children’s Mountain Bike Training – Bürserberg | VOL.AT

Erstes Children’s Mountain Bike Training – Bürserberg | VOL.AT

©Freeride- and Downhill-Verein Vorarlberg

des Freeride- und Downhill-Vereins Vorarlberg a fuller heritage

In the past of Wochen and the first Children’s Mountain Bike Training of the Freeride and Downhill Association Vorarlberg in Bikepark Brandnertal statt. More than 30 young years in the change from 4 to 14 years after the training begins and enjoy a wonderful time on the trails and in nature.

The further training courses for the company in the middle point, with Kim Ketter from the Vereinsabteilung Kindertraining betont: “It is great to see, who is often childish for the mountain bike sport. If you see that it is worth using the right techniques and to use your Freude in the future. Gerade in the Freeride- and Downhill-Bereich is important, if the Kids are no longer in the Spa, then it is so that they continue”, says Kim Kettner.

Under the experienced trainers of the Bikeschool Brandnertal the young bikers can playfully and the basics of mountain biking re-guided. No driving technology courses are on the Befahren of Flow-Trails and fell Spaß on the program. After the war with the higher involvement and the motivation of the children is finished, it will be so that the e-insteigerstrecken also on the fortgeschrittenen Trails are carried out.

The Freeride and Downhill Association Vorarlberg factory has more training possibilities, one of the possibilities we have and the childlike regularity of the children’s shoes, the high quality of the training and the mountain bike sport we use. A big thank you to the sponsors, the children’s training has become bigger – the Gemeinden Bürserberg and Brand, the Hotel Walliserhof and Hotel Lagant from Brand, the Rufana Alp, the Restaurant Unicorn from the Bürserberg and the Bikepark Brandnertal.

“We are very happy with our children’s training at the Freeride and Downhill Association in Vorarlberg in the last year, so we were happy and happy, enjoyed the junior Teilnehmer at the training sessions and during the last year,” said Melanie Bianchi, the Executive Director of the Children’s Training Association, hinzu.

With this tough training is the training of the company, which is the preparation of the Mountainbike bike tours in Vorarlberg. The next trainings are available in Planung, and the association continues on a sporty season 2024.