
Kino in Feier: Eine Initiative des Kulturministeriums

Kino in Feier: Eine Initiative des Kulturministeriums

Back Cinema in FeierThe Cultural Ministry in the Gerufene Initiative, a person who changes, in a month in September is the normal starting signal for the new Kinojahr. The Initiative gilded from 15. to 19. September with a Standardticket for 3.50 euros for the screening of the films.

And It’s not the first year that a single idea has startedthat of year to year in the action radius has changed. When the first delivery of Kinos to a national problem has taken place, the delivery in 2024 will probably improve Kinos.

Cinema in Feier in Kampanien

Die Campania is one of the regions with the high Anzahl von Kinos, which is one of the initiatives Cinema in Feier share. Here are all possible Kinos:

Avellino and Well-being

Die in the Province of Irpinia beteiligten Kinos since: Partenio, Nuovo (Lioni), Movieplex (Mercogliano), Carmen Citiplex (Mirabella Eclano). Sannio is involved with the following films: Gaveli Maxicinema (Benevent), Modernissimo (Telese) and Torrevillage (Torrecuso).


Larger is the Angebot in der Provinz Caserta, Wed etwa zehn Kinos an der Initiative des Ministeriums beteilgt since: Cimarosa (Aversa), Cinema Vittoria (Aversa), Marcianise Uci Cinemas Cinepolis (Marcianise – Einkaufszentrum Campania), Ariston (Mondragone), Cotton Movie & Food (Piedimonte Matese) and Lendi (Sant’Arpino).


Viele Kinos live in Salerno der Kino in Feier angeschlossen, with a larger amount of selection and films zur Auswahl. The participating cinemas are: Bolivar (Camerota), Alambra (Cava de’ Tirreni), Giffoni Cinema (Giffoni Valle Piana), Sala Roma (Nocera Inferiore), La Fenice (Pagani), Charlot (Pellezzano), Adriano (Sala Consilina), Delle Arti (Salerno), San Demetrio (Salerno), The Space (Salerno) and Cineteatro La Provvidenza (Vallo della Lucania).


The Province with the most involved Kinos war certainly Neapel with insgesamt 23 selected cinemas. Here is the list: Happy Maxicinema (Afragola), Paradiso (Anacapri), Magic Vision (Casalnuovo), Uci Cinemas (Casoria), Montil (Castellammare di Stabia), Stabia Hall (Castellammare di Stabia), Supercinema (Castellammare di Stabia), Acacia (Neapel), America (Neapel), Filangieri (Neapel), La Perla (Neapel), Metropolitan (Neapel), Modernissimo (Neapel), Plaza (Neapel), The Space (Neapel), Vittoria (Neapel), Savoia (Nola) ), The Space (Nola), Delle Rose (Piano di Sorrento), Eliseo (Poggiomarino), Roma (Portici), Corallo (Torre del Greco) and Aequa (Vico Equense).