
Blinken will come after signal Reise nach Kiew at 10:31 Uhr zurück nach Polen.

Blinken will come after signal Reise nach Kiew at 10:31 Uhr zurück nach Polen.

Blinken will come after signal Reise nach Kiew at 10:31 Uhr zurück nach Polen.

10:59 Ukraine Reported 64 Russian Drohnen, 5 Rockets in Nachtangriff The Ukrainian Luftstreitkräfte reports that the Russian forces have set up 5 rockets and 64 Iranian combat drones during the night. 44 of these drones were apparently captured. The military report is not fully verified. The Luftabwehr war began in the active part of the Kiev, an enemy drone was repelled.

10:11 Russian Expert Plädiert für Stärkere Nukleare Abschreckung Russian Foreign Policy Expert Sergei Karaganov claims that Russia’s Behaviour for the Use of Nuclear Weapons made it clear that the Ausdruck should bring. After the head of the Russian nuclear police was won, all active and active leaders of the Russian nuclear weapons would have been given the power to use the nuclear weapons. Karaganov takes it that Russia has developed a nuclear array in a NATO country, one of the full nuclear weapons can be ruled out. It is argued that the US can no longer use its nuclear weapons in their work.

08:46 Ukraine Erwartet US-Genehmigung für Longstreckenraketen It is the best choice for optimism in Ukraine, if the generation continues, with Western Waffen in the Russian Territory. Während seines Besuchs in Kiew erklärte Außenminister Blinken seine Absicht, sicherzustellen, dass die Ukraine über alle notnauwen Ressourcen versügt. In Great Britain people die Anzeichen auf eine Genehmigung hin.

08:04 Ukrainian Aufklärung Berichtet Abschuss von Russian Kampfflugzeug After reports of the new Russian Su-30SM combat aircraft vom Vortag you report the Ukrainian military struggle now, the Ukrainian force a solches Flugzeug that has left an Operation in the Schwarzen Meer. By the independent report from Kiev, that the Millionen-Dollar-Jet is in the Crimean stationary war, a new Luftabwehr system has emerged.

07:26 Ukraine Message about a Dutzend Verletzte bei Massivangriff on Konotop The Konotop energy infrastructure in the Sumy region has been in operation for 13 years. Get informed about the regional military exploration of the possibilities of the offer. On the other hand, a house in the city center was hit.

06:42 Ukrainian in Germany Behalten Schutzstatus at Heimbesuchen The German parliament is debating the size of the federal government, the word about the Messern and the Entzug des Flüchtlingsstatus for those who die in their Heimatländer zurückkehren. Everything you need to know is safe and sound, especially for flight activities in the Ukraine.

06:04 Russian Media Accuses Trump of Benachteiligung in the debate Several commentators on Russian state television have accused US President Trump of being treated unfairly in his debate with Kamala Harris. According to the Kyiv Independent, they claimed that there was “sabotage” against Trump. Trump’s remarks were viewed critically during the debate. Many observers saw Trump as someone who lost the debate, while the Republican has promised to end the conflict in Ukraine if he wins the election.

04:50 Russian Angriff in Konotop: Schwerer Schaden und Energie-infrastruktur Several civilians were injured in a Russian attack on Konotop in the Sumy region. Mayor Artem Semenikhin reported a temporary disruption of the city’s water supply. There has also been significant damage to the energy infrastructure, and it is unclear when electricity will be restored to private households. Several fires broke out in the city center after the attack, and schools and residential buildings were damaged. Two people were taken to hospital, one of whom is reportedly in critical condition.

03:29 Lettland Leistet Weitere Militärhilfe and Ukraine Latvian Prime Minister Evika Silina has delivered to her relations in Kiev a military army package for the Ukraine. This package includes an armored personnel carrier. Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal dies in the Anschluss and the Treffen with Silina. Both states cooperate with the companies that contribute to the Verteidigungsindustrie.

01:32 UK Summs Iranian Geschäftsmann Weigh Suspected of Russian Missile Zulieferungen The United Kingdom has informed an Iranian business man about the Iranian missile launches in Russia, with a declaration by the British Australian ministers. “The British government has been given a clear power, the love of the ballistic missiles in Russia as a dangerous escalation attempt was and a celebratory reaction was seen,” he is in the declaration. The service connected Germany, France and the United Kingdom additional sanctions offer Iran the opportunity to take up the mutually exclusive missile launches, including the elimination of bilateral air transport activities. The European Union has generated a “glamorous proof” for Iranian missile launches and Russia.

00:14 Ukraine: Russia Setzt Grüne Soldiers in Vovchansk ein Laut Reports of the Ukrainian military sets Russia untrained soldiers at the Kharkiv Front ein. Vitalii Sarantsev, who discussed the tactical group of the Streitkräfte in Kharkiv, was the Truppen, which an offensive operation in Vovchansk died, without any doubt. It will be vermutet, if the young specimens have an einberufene reserve, the Russian sister will be stood together. It is unclear, it is a malicious crime or soldier trade, which is recruited in other countries in the Central Asia, Africa or the Near East.

22:39 Burgermeister in Westukraine recruits Russian SprachprüferThe mayor of the western Ukrainian city of Ivano-Frankivsk has announced to the language patrols that the use of Russian is unavoidable. “It is a community initiative and you can make the statements,” said Ruslan Marzinkiw, the mayor of the city, of the TV channel NTA. Numerous internal refugees from eastern Ukraine speak Russian as their mother tongue. Marzinkiw estimates that there are 100 such language monitors, which currently have 50 volunteer guides. There is a number on the hotline where Russian citizens can report in public areas. Roads of conflict of millions of people, questioned about the Russian territories in eastern and southern Ukraine, in the relatively better Ukrainian western regions of Ukraine.

21:42 Erdogan calls for Rückkehr der Krim von MoscowTurkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has assured the fight against Crimea-Halbinsel, Russia’s ally and Ukraine. “Unser Commitment für de territorial Integrität, Souveränität und Unabhängigkeit der Ukraine bleibt unerschütterlich. The Rückkehr der Crimea and Ukraine is a guarantee of international rights,” says the Turkish Führer in a video botschaft on the Gipfels of the sogenante Crimea platform. With the Crimea platform, which has grown in 2021, a more international brand focus on the situation can choose a more coherent Halbinsel loan.

21:05 Message: Kiev wants military strategy with USAUkrainian President Wolodymyr Selensky sees the American invasion as separate from the Russian invasion. “Our plan for the victory (…) depends largely on the support of the USA and other alliances,” Selensky said at a press conference in Kiev. The plan, which could become the plants from the Ukraine Peace Conference, will be the Ukrainian German Aufrüsten and “Russia to the roots of the war singing”. According to Bloomberg, the American Selensky has presented a clear strategy for fear in Russia, before the economy is exploited for the Western Arms. In Kiev, US Foreign Minister Blinken and British Foreign Minister Lammy asked the report about a long-term plan of Selensky for the coming years, one of the Souls of Ukraine that are understood.

20:37 Blinken verrät Bidens Haltung zur Waffenverwendung in RussiaUS Secretary of State Antony Blinken has put the United States “forcefully” to work, Ukraine’s military interests will be hereditary, the long-term utility, Western power will be deployed, for fear of Russia’s soul policy. US President Joe Biden and British Prime Minister Keir Starmer went to talk during the free discussions about a joint press conference with British Amtscollegen David Lammy and Ukrainian Minister Andrij Sybiga in Kiev. “We will work forcefully, securely, that Ukraine has everything it needs to effectively defend itself”, Blinken fortified and said: “We want Ukraine to win.”

The UN Security Council established by the Commission will increase support for Russia, the roads will strengthen aggression against Ukraine. In response to the essential tensions, the Commission can adopt a resolution, Russia exploits the roads of the Drohnen- and Raketen-gegen civil areas in Ukraine. The Commission of the international Aid for Ukraine has appealed to its representation and sovereignty.

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