
Restaurant Trend: Classic stir-fry – Schluss mit dieser Beilage?

Restaurant Trend: Classic stir-fry – Schluss mit dieser Beilage?

Es were once in Germany: Schnitzel, Spargel, Bratkartoffeln. Order: Kasseler, Grünkohl, Salzkartoffeln. Soll heißen: A typical German warm Mahlzeit can contain three components-oriented mind. Sprich: Fleisch/Fisch, Gemüsebeilage, (kohlenhydratreiche) Sättigungsbeilage. Is the last thing delayed? Heißt es Abschied nehmen? Goodbye, Beilage?

Sicher ist: Die Esskultur – und das Verhalten beim (offensichtlich immerter verdenden) Essengehen – ist im Wandel. And black gleich morefach. A representative of Civey-Umfrage now offers the opportunity to choose half of the residents in Germany – “seit der Rückerhöhung der Mehrwertsteuer auf 19 Prozent in der Gastronomie”.

Germany: Esskultur im Wandel – sterben Beilagen aus?

A representative of Civey-Umfrage now offers the opportunity to choose half of the residents in Germany – “seit der Rückerhöhung der Mehrwertsteuer auf 19 Prozent in der Gastronomie”.

In 2024, the local market is the most popular, but it becomes more normal when we go to the restaurants in America, which cost extra – often titled as “Sides”, and often die of carbohydrate with frying or other Getrüffeltes Kartoffelpüree (or Gemüse wie gegrillter grüner Spargel). Was it a cultural passion, when the self-confident policy was not an option and not a “Muss”?

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Natürlich essen immer nor Millionen Menschen Gerichte wie Roulade mit Rotkohl und Kloß. Nach wie for the service fell Gaststätten and Wirtshäuser Haxen and Wiener Schnitzel in the traditional setting. At Canteens, People, Krankenhäusern there are often also Abteiltellers on Porzellan with 3-fach-Unterteilung in Einsatz.

But Jüngere has often had a different time. The modern Ernährungsalltag is an All-in-one-Essen with a short counter. Man thinks of trends like Bowls, Arabic Küche, Asia-Food. And pizza, pasta, burger, döner is different as eisbein with sauerkraut.

Classically component-oriented, so from whom Karstadt?

“For a long time in Germany, three component-oriented research has been done as a total alternative approach and has been developed as a formative understanding,” says the Kulturwissenschaftler Gunther Hirschfelder from the Uni Regensburg. “Festgefügte Komponentengericht sind ungefähr so ​​​​out wie die kriselnden Warenhäuser à la Karstadt.”

People have a great chance of a great deal of water and erleben. And so, if you are in the Warenhaus, it is now a Regale with Jeans that has many more Dutzend models, so if you make a knitting machine, if the Speisekarte is festlege.

“The young generation often finds it strange that you can see the Gleiche. What is essential is that you have become your own person. Wir haben pseudo-individualisierte Ernährungsstile,” says Hirschfelder. “Meist is a Scheinwahl. Am Ende is es völlig egal, ob ich Reis oder Nudeln nehme.” In the 80ern hätte aine Debatte über Beilagenvorlieben noch als bourgeois und versnobt gegolten, meint der Buch-Autor (“Europäische Esskultur: Eine Geschichte der Ernährung von der Steinzeit bis heute” ).

“If you ended up in a bourgeois country or went to Greece in the 80th century, when you weren’t going all the way, your wool was gone or extra wool or you weren’t shifting. Furthermore, it is important to have a healthy flow that brings children and young people to life. “A restaurant experience is always welcome and children will enjoy schnitzel with pommes – and a good meal.”

If you are no longer in the world change, then littlest me in Essen

Um Deutschlands frühere Esskultur zu erklären, holt Hirschfelder etwas aus. When the Weltkrieg is settled, a “nivellierte Mittelstandsgesellschaft” is created, which is one of the characters of the sociologist Helmut Schelsky. „Man is happy in a boat, symbolically with a nice touch, man takes care of the economic aspects, is happy with an extravagant Geschmack as well. A gerade Kartoffeln as Sättigungsbeilage were symbolically charged.”

If that were so, it was worth seeing everything in all material things, but also travel and living spaces were more meaningful than the sustenance. It was first the end of the GDR and the other FRG, said Hirschfelder.

Over the course of 30 years, new world views emerged in the Wohlstandsgesellschaft nach Kalten Krieg – often in the Leitnarrativs “Ich bin, was ich esse”. “In a global world, there is a complicated reduction, it won’t be that hard.”

There is a political ideology that is concerned with the development of a political ideology, which is neither the domination of the Essenes nor the cultural issues. It is one of the things that we have done, it was a man and it was not so, it is a vegan lifestyle, low-carb or a more exotic price. “The motto seems to be: If I can not change the world, then I can change a little, what is on my counter.” (dpa)