
“Frauenrechte für Männer” en Leihmutterschaft gefährden Frauen

“Frauenrechte für Männer” en Leihmutterschaft gefährden Frauen

25 years after the UN Weltfrauen Conference in Beijing, the UN has joined the critical feminist organizations, with an article from the Institutes for Medical Anthropology and Bioethics (IMABE). Feminist groups work for women’s rights together with agents of UN Women, so that the interest of women will not increase in the future. Insbesonder the Verharmlosung von Leihmutterschaft and the Unterstützung von Transgender-Rights hinder Widerstand.

“The inexperienced propaganda of UN women spreads through the women’s rights organizations of the men after the Anerkennung in the “Weiblichkeit” recruit”, this is a short report of the group on the Women’s Liberation Front and the Women’s Declaration International.

Damn it, so the feminists, set themselves up for the UN on the Patriarch’s Seat, statt Frauen zu schützen. Those Unterzeichner concretes: “Nur eine Frau ist eine Frau.”

Kritisiert wurde zudem, dass man, die sich als Frau bezeichnen, als sogenannte “Transfrauen” Rechte in Anspruch nehmen, die Frauen vorbehalten sind – etwa in Sport, in Gefängnissen oder Frauenräumen: “UN Women is the real work of the Patriarchats and unterdrückt active Frauen “, this is short.

A further critical look at the legalization of the Leihmutterschaft, the Population Fund of the United Nations (UNFPA) as part of a “enhancing family plan” is not possible. Feminist groups die as women and as representatives of human rights. These general risks for the Leihmütter can lead to great criticism.

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Through the UN agencies, feminists from the states can increase their attention and transparency, while their positions are determined and where women’s rights over men’s interests are put forward.

John Paul II. about the Würde der Frau

Pope John Paul II. Be that as it may, the written and reason-intensification of the woman by the use of other gesetzt. Hervorzuheben is his short and the women from the year 1995, in which the one-sided value and education of the woman in the light of Christian teaching is reflected.

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There are even more women who play a role in women, who go further in their Fähigkeit zur Mutterschaft. This is not physically expressed in this way, but in a spiritual sense: “Thank you, Frau als Mutter, who is in her Freude und im Schmerz een een inzigartigen Erfahrung zum Mutterschoß des Menschen machst, die du für das Kind, das zur Welt Come, you will be happy, you will be happy to read this letter, you will be happy and you will be able to enjoy your life again.”

Der Papst writes about the Wert der Frau in der Gesellschaft: “Uberall, who owes his inheritance to his education and care work, cann man die enormous Bereitschaft der Frauen Feststellen, sich in de menslichen zu verausgaben, even among the Schwächsten and Schutzlosesten. As it is the case that it is a cultural, cultural and geistige motherhood, the paths to the enterprise of the person and the life of the enterprise pass through an unapologetic world.”