
Union Berlin: Svensson sick! Fehlt der Union-Trainer against Leipzig? | Sport

Union Berlin: Svensson sick! Fehlt der Union-Trainer against Leipzig? | Sport

Infected and Gone?

Union Berlin is present for the Duell in Leipzig (Samstag, 3.30 PM/Sky) on the most important Mann. Trainer Bo Svensson (45) has become incredibly ill.

If you are not on the Platz, there is an infection in the air. On the other hand, if Samstag is so fit, the Mannschaft in Leipzig is involved as a trainer.

The active playing exercise is in the hands of co-trainer Babak Keyhanfar (39). It said: “It is a mega show event. RB is already 15 events unaffected.”

Union hat nach gutem Start with a big Brocken for the Brust. In the offensive offensive, it is not a matter of fresh personal development with improvement. Mittelstürmer Ivan Prtajin (28/kam von Wehen Wiesbaden) is not fit at Verletzung. It is gold plated for Mittelstürmer Andrej Ilic (24/ausgeliehen von OSC Lille) and Offensivmann Robert Skov (28/zuletzt Hoffenheim). Both came from Ende August zu Union.

Keyhanfar about…

Talking: „There can be a verganger Woche am Mannschaftstraining teilnehmen. There is one, two weeks, weeder in a top paint job zu sein.”

Ilic: “Andrej hat angedeutet, dass is a Torriecher hat. There is a starken in the box and in the kopfballspiel. We must be patient. There is one problem we noticed here. So much had to be done, that is what we wanted – defending the ball and with the ball, was the final play.”

Unparalleled circulationFußballverein holt Oben-ohne-model

Video: Fußballverein holt Oben-ohne-Model

Source: Instagram: @fkviagemusti, @tana_bystronova

Skov (der als je Vereinsloser keine Vorbereitung hatte): “We are happy to be a player with more than 100 Bundesliga entries available. There may be an attacking game. There is quality in the flanks and in the belly. ISein Fitnesszustand ist gut. There brought good Werte mit. Aber Mannschaftstraining kan nicht ersetzen a man. There is talk of this practice, but it is a good idea to do so.”