
“Das hat so weh getan”: Frau attacks Mirja du Mont in Einkaufszentrum

“Das hat so weh getan”: Frau attacks Mirja du Mont in Einkaufszentrum

Mirja van Mont

Angriff beim eeninkaufen – it is fassungslos

Mirja du Mont was shot in an attack and an attack by a woman. The model paints his fassungslosigkeit über de Vorfall.

Mirja du Mont (48) is not in her car. The 48-year war would cause an attack by an attack fraud. In one of the few Instagram stories that the model paints, it is one of the things that Vorfall came. “Boah! Ich habe geraad so einen Hals!”, Mirja du Mont, who for her roads Hautkrebs operates, tells her followers. The following situation may be unusual.

Mirja du Mont: “Das hat so wehgetan”

“I was very happy in my living center. That comes with my wife. That we are not so gentle with you, you are on the right, you are on the left …”, describes the Mont of the people who fell in the city überfüllten Straßen can forks allowed. Obwohl, the ex of Schauspieler Sky du Mont (77), himself, when he was free, gave the other woman an unsatisfactory feeling. Then since the Unglaubliche passionrt: “If I have been busy for a while, how can I see the Ellenbows in the Brust. That is so beautiful,” complains Mirja du Mont.

It is astonished that the model has given the impression and the woman who has made it solid. “Yes, I am here and I am running straight across the track. What should that be?”, the female leader has replied abruptly, du Mont continues to paint. There can be no more attack.

Ex von Sky du Mont tief erschüttert nach Vorfall

Mirja du Mont fragt sich fassungslos: “Was it a manchmal für bescheuerte Menschen, who immer ihren Frust and others auslassen?” They appeal to their followers: “Laughter but happy and then it is okay.” Due to the TV star, who has a patchwork family with his ex-husband, he is quite relaxed and cultured, nor a certain time after the Vorfall.

Warum sie de Freundin von Ex-Mann Sky noch kengelernt hat

Mirja du Mont: “Warum sie die Freundin von Ex-Mann Sky noch nicht kengelernt hat”