
Human Rights Film Festival Berlin says 25 Dokumentarfilme vom 4.-12. October

Berlin (ots) –

From October 4 to 12, the Human Rights Film Festival Berlin presented 25 documentary films on the themes of democracy, human rights and press freedom. Democracy Noir by Connie Field is at the Festival on October 4. Other Filmmakers, Protagonists and Activists come to Berlin to discuss their publications. The joint program is jetzt erchienen, Tickets are so comfortable.

“Without a year of renewed film program with films, the themes of democracy, human freedom and freedom of the press in the various Blickwinkels, a special brand mark is created in those years in Europe. Humanity, so the Leitfaden of the death-dealing festivals, begin for our own home”, says Jan Sebastian Friedrich-Rust, of the Human Rights Film Festival Berlin with Lydia Spiesberger led. Spiesberger emphasizes: “Democracy, freedom of the press and freedom of opinion are also the leaders in Europe no more self-defense artist. Film is the power to make mistakes, to move people and to give impetus for a better world.”

Democracy in traffic

Weltweit gewinnen right-wing populist movements would be an Einfluss and untergraben damit fundamentale Werte wie Freiheit, Gleichheit and Rechtsstaatlichkeit. Look for our Haustur. The opening film Democracy Noir by Emmy-Preisträgerin Connie Field is featured in the Beispiel Ungarns, with authoritarian strong democratic institutions soul-oriented. In the film world, women are increasingly interested in creating a democratic and free community. Director Connie Field and lead actor Babett Oroszi were invited.

In An Hour from the Middle of Nowhere, the director of Ole Elfenkaemper and Kathrin Seward experiences the late-career Anwalt Marty Rosenbluth who, Menschen zu vertreten, celebrates the largest American-American immigration detention center. The American state must dismantle a part of the American American economy. The film celebrates its Berlin premiere in the Anschluss and the Preisverleihung on October 11; the director and lead actor Marty Rosenbluth were sent out.

In Drawing a Line, illustrator Rachita Taneja gets to know that with his political comics he is committed to freedom of art and opinion and the generation of Hass and the desire for democracy in India. Forest by director Lidia Duda said, who is the home of a family and the Polish border in Belarus in the European air-political struggle. Also director and photographer Jean-Baptiste Bonnet engraves the theme of flight in his film Save our Souls. During the search there are asylum seekers and seals on the rescue ship “Ocean Viking”.

In those years when you are dealing with the Völkermord and the Jesid*innen zum zehnten Mal. Mediha (German premiere) by Hasan Oswald is a documentary film and a video book by the young Jesidin Mediha, who is struck by this traumatic trauma by the only “Islamic State” and who gets that sexually tinged treatise. Active and documentary films by Düzen Tekkal from HÁ and co-director David Körzdörfer present with Bemal – Heimatlos another film on the theme, der fragmenten nach der Duitse verantwoordwoortung reflektiert.

We will not be silent, a film for Freedom said that the following prosecutions of the Terrorism Investigation for the Arts and Meinungsfreiheit in Spain: Three Catalan Rappers were more politically exposed in their Texts zu Haftstrafen. Prominent music players with Ana Tijoux staged the protest and interpreted the new text. Adriano Galante, producer, co-author of a self-portrait, comes to Screening after Berlin.

Our Land, Our Freedom by Zippy Kimundu and Meena Nanji have found an alternative colonial history of Kenya. Wanjugu Kimathis is such a sterblichen dominant father who will meet one of the British colonies, the Hunderttausende Kenianer*innen in the Armut Trieben.

Willy Brandt Documentary Film Prize

In those years, the film of Chance took place, where Willy Brandt documentary film awards for the free time and human rights of their gains are judged. The prize, which is paid by the Bundeskanzler-Willy-Brandt-Stiftung, costs 3,000 euros. The international jury judged that this Auszeichnung was one of the legal awards films for herausragende kunst en inhaltliche Leistungen.

One of the insights that the young person has gained, could judge a prize of the jury in those years. As soon as the Zuschauer*innen use the machine and watch their favorite films. The film with the most stimuli has won the Audience Award.

The full programme of the festivals is published here:

Read more about the editorial team: For interview fragments with the festival management, the Schirmherrn Can Dündar or the director*innen and lead actor*innen of the film that will be broadcast for electronic press kits and screeners, please contact [email protected]

About the Human Rights Film Festival Berlin

The Human Rights Film Festival Berlin was founded in 2018 by Jan Sebastian Friedrich-Rust, Managing Director of the humanitarian and development-policy organization Aktion tegen de Hunger, ins Leben. Today is the most important German human rights film festival with international exhibition. The film festival presents films from all over the world that reflect on the enduring nature of human rights violations and the broader state of the day. With a new program, the festival is a unique platform for the exit and representation of NGOs, film companies, activists, politics and the public. Prominent Menschenrechtler*innen, Politiker*innen and Künstler*innen with Ai Weiwei, Nadia Murad, Filippo Grandi, Loujain al-Hathloul, Gesine Schwan and Enissa Amani have united during the years of the Schirmherrschaft übernommen.

The Human Rights Film Festival Berlin 2024 will take place from 4 to 12 October and will be held in partnership with Reporter on Borders, which is offered to the press and the information-free world.

Press contact:

Vassilios Saroglou/Markus Winkler
[email protected]
030 279 099 776

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