
Microben produce Folsäure aus einfachen Grundzutaten

Microben produce Folsäure aus einfachen Grundzutaten

Man takes carbon dioxide, detergents and oxygen which flow from renewable sources – moreover a bacteria and the back-up gas, a in a developed bioreactor system in working protein for human recovery and the life-sustaining vitamin B9 rezustellen. This is a source of research under the leadership of Professor Lars, who is involved in biotechnology at the University of Tübingen in the further development of Power-to-Protein-Systems. The new protein product with vitamin B9, of people, can serve as a vegan basis for Fleischersatz, with a good welfare climate for a long time to come. Die Studie wurde in der Fachzeitschrift Trends in biotechnology published.

Although most people optically had some unnoticed end, but could still see a bad quality and substance recovery, man zum Beispiel at the Herstellung von Bier, Wein und Käse znutze Kracht. “We are looking for a Power-to-Protein Technology that develops: This results in different microbes for better results: One Klostridium-Bacterium reduces Kohlendioxid with Wasserstoff unter Luftabschluss zu Acetat, das die Bäckerhefe, a Pilz, anschließend unter Luftzufuhr zu Proteinen umsetzte“, clear Angenent. This first system function is now available when the microbes receive the best vitamin B9 zur Verfügung bestelt. “Protein alone cannot make people serious,” says Angenent. “Daher wollen wir Vitamin B9 to produce.“ Soul is no longer vitamin in the process, as man comes out.

More abundant bacteria

Gemeinsam mit seinem Team tauschte Angenent das Klostridium-Bakterium der ersten Stufe gegen das Bakterium Thermoanaerobacter kivui so, it is more convenient and the Folsäure self-images can be used by the Acetate recovery. The backup produces a large amount of mixtures and mixtures, which can be used. If the backup of the Sugar is restored, war can occur. “It is also so that you can use the Acetate as a starting material, it is an experiment. Da wir n B Vitamine9 More than that, since we are there, that is what we are producing,” says de Forscher. Etwa sechs Gramm der produzierten en gerockneten Hefe würden ainem Menschen as tag Vitamin B9-Dose rich. The vitamin doses in the experiments are a team led by Professor Michael Rychlik of the TU Munich, one of the co-authors of the study.

“If a product is not traded, it is not a fruitful product, but the food industry can still do this,” says Angenent. It is necessary that the Verzehr Stoffe aus der Hefe is found, which makes the money come out of thin air. If the small Bioreaktor system from the Labor in the analyses gets a larger size, a new problem has arisen. It is necessary to follow technical and economic analyses of the Absatzmarkt-solcher products.

In Kreisläufen we think

How will it be with the blessing vision of the Nutrition Mittelersatz? Is it possible to use synthetic pills and pastes for a long time? “I am all about the reduction of meat consumption,” said the researcher. “I believe that consumers have become accustomed to new products. It will be a higher price.” So man would greatly reduce the consumption of livestock by reducing the climatically harmful emissions from livestock consumption. The research was done after the Landwirtschaft had received more information about a possible source of financing. Some of the landwrights and landwrights can make a financial contribution to a new responsible capital: the Protection of the Soil and Nature.

Angenent thinks in Kreisläufen and major Zusammenhängen: „The living conditions will be affected by unterernährung vor allem in Ländern, die unter Dürren and deren Böden zu wenig Nährstoffe enthalten. It is possible that a product is produced that is formed by a process of processing,” er says. “We use our own Bioreaktor System with a high rate of protein and vitamins to support vegetarian and vegan products, even if they are healthy, there is a greater impact on diet.”