
Jobcenter has a new path and brings professional people into Arbeit

Jobcenter has a new path and brings professional people into Arbeit

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Jobcenter has a new path and brings professional people into Arbeit
“We are here, we are here at the end of our money and our home is here. That is something we can do,” says Jobcenter manager Jan Riediger. © Heike Lyding, dpa

The job description of the job centers, which were used in the citizen funds and their joint experiences, is a real Erfolgsmodel. The next one finds the next Veranstaltung statt.

Weilheim – Zumindest in the district of Weilheim-Schongau zündet der „Job-Turbo“, i.e. the Geschäftsführer of the Jobcenters, Jan Riediger, in Gespräch with der Heimatzeitung. There are three „Jobtage“ in different places: in Peißenberg, Peiting and Penzberg. “We are more likely to have positive experience and support people in work and support,” he says. It is a matter of working and making money with one’s own translation: “You have a good idea of ​​how to get started with your own work, so that you have the first contact with your job in the future,” Riediger reports.

Compared to the previous year, his month – also on the basis of job vacancies as well as further smaller setups – more than 100 citizen money recipients will be invested in jobs by 2023. This requires additional funding work on both sides. The knowledge of the Jobcenters will probably be used, if they are found, while more money for the realization as a pure request of citizen money is used – even if they are in stock and continue if the Jobcenter no longer works. The people who work here find here a number of powerful means that are used intensively.

Zahlreiche can rely on the future

Riediger is when he or she is in one place on the four courts in Weilheim. There is stattfinden on September 23 in the Großen Hochlandhalle. Zahlreiche erolgreiche Unternehmen hätten bereits ihre Teilnahme zongesagt and würden dort mit Bewerbern in Contact treten wollen, so Riediger. When it comes to biomich, it is about the fashion house Echter. There are further offers on the Platz for more Unternehmen. If you would like to know more about job tags, please contact us by email at [email protected] or by phone 0881/991 700 at Riediger.

(Only: Everything from the region is included in our regular Weilheim-Penzberg newsletter.)

The job would be with Blick auf de Integration Ukrainian War Escaper in the Labor Market ins Leben gerufen. For the Jobtag in Weilheim the person with the migration intergrund can be loaded, so Riediger. There are people who are now looking for information about the integration of their integrations. This is the case if you have a citizen money refugee or a migration intergrund day.