
Bayerische Gesundheitsministerin concrete Bedeutung der ambulanten…

Bayerische Gesundheitsministerin concrete Bedeutung der ambulanten…

Judith Gerlach (CSU), Health Minister of Bavaria. /photo alliance, Sebastian Gabriel Hubert Burda Media

Munich – Bayerns Gesundheits- und Pflegeministerin Judith Gerlach (CSU) has provided the following care for the Medizin of healthcare for the concrete policy organization. “De ambulante versorgung muss weiterhin die Regel bleiben“, said his 75th anniversary of the Kassenärztlichen Vereinigung (KV) Bayerns heute in Munich.

The KV is one of the most influential health policies in Bavaria, so Gerlach. The Minister in the future, “became a larger number of people, the ambulatory care for the people in Bayern voranzubringen and for such health care arrangements fit zu machen”.

That is shared with the fast 31,000 treatments and psychotherapists, who are listening to the KV, so Gerlach. The Minister of Concrete with the State Secretary, it is of great importance that the regional interests in the care of the cutbacks and the in particular of the household care of the government are promoted.

„If you get brauchen, everything is a young person, who is for the commotion of the Ärztin or the individual Arztes. Deshalb muss der Beruf als Medizinerin und als Mediziner attractive Rahmenbedingungen bieten“, so die Ministerin.

One of the next results is the program of the state government and the KV. If you know for sure that Bavaria is aware of the KV Bayern, it is an attractive location for the Mediziner and damn the outpatient and very simple health care.

The Vorsitzende der Vertreterversammlung der KVB, Petra Reis-Berkowicz, has criticism and der Bundespolitik. „The health of the German health systems is of great benefit. Guilt has taken political responsibility for Missmanagement,” he said.

I am a statesman in the residence in Munich who won the KV Bayerns (KVB) in 75 years. Gegründet began on September 30, 1949. Among the 250 guests were representatives of politics, Krankenkassen, Wissenschaft and some psychotherapeutic treatments active. © hil/