
The Judo Club Weyhe is celebrating its anniversary

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Beim Training in the Gymnastics Hall of the Hundertwasser-Grundschule Read: Here you will find Keno Brünjes and Finja Bollmann.
Beim Training in the Gymnastics Hall of the Hundertwasser-Grundschule Read: Here you will find Keno Brünjes and Finja Bollmann. © Dierck Wittenberg

Der Judo-Club Weyhe lasts 50 years. Claus Dierks, long-term Trainer and Vorsitzender, erklärt, where in Boom-Jahren there is an active response to brauchte and who is interested and they will be able to participate in the camp.

We have – while judo rings two contrahends there, where the others bring with Würfen on the mat, in their village with Griffen and Hebeln can fixieren. Tying is a better sport than Wettkampf. “Der sanfte Weg zur Geistesbildung” is the winner of the Judo Club, which is shown on the internet page. Dessen Gründung as own standard Verein was carried out in November 1974 by JC in that period also 50 years.

Most judokas started in sports competitions, while Egzon Lekaj’s second place at the German Pokalmeisterschaften 2014 became, after the Landesmeister had become war. As Highlights of the club history, Claus Dierks, Trainer and long-standing club leader, has Lekaj’s participation in an international judo tournament.

Dierks, Träger des sechsten Dan (Meistergrads), describes a series of historical stories. At 16 years old, there are already years of training that lasts 64 years. “Für die Anfängerlehrgänge must ich ich ich mir einen Anrufbeansworter”, is reflected in the Hoch-Zeiten zurück. When the war starts, the telephone may ring. 70 to 80 children have appeared for the announced Anfängerlehrgänge over the years. Heute sei man über zehn Reporten froh.

The war in its highest phase began before the Gründung of the Vereins. The trainers of the first matches were Volker Porsch and Günther Joppich, Dierks recalls. Laut JC-Historie war in 1967, if “a few considered Weyher zum first Mal trafen, a zu dem Zeitpunkt nor right unbekannte Sportart will know”. The first Matten, which were deposited in the Gaststätte Rohlfs in Kirchweyhe, had been recovered from Boxring 46. Weil the Judo-Sparte – including some Ablegers in Syke – rasch wuchs, habe man sich for the Ablösung vom Boxring and for the Gründung an own standard Vereins entschieden.

As Reiner Judoverein, der kleine Abteilung Innerhalb een Großvereins Bildet, het JC Weyhe een Ausnahme in Landkreis geblieben. Consultation at a large sports club has become less effective in Weyhe. That would be better if it weren’t for Dierks. “That’s different, when a man is his own chef,” he says. “We train on a daily basis,” there is a difference: Man must take a close look at other Spartans at the same time.

For the training lessons of the Judo Club in the Sports Hall of the Grundschule and the KGS Kirchweyhe. Die Gemeinde überlässt ihre Sportstätten den Vereinen kostenlos. Gleichwohl hat es beim JC das Bestreben nach een eigen Halle gegeben. “Der Wunsch was still grim,” says Dierks.

The Entwicklung, which is the notification for the painted images, the mirror becomes wider in the Mitgliederzahlen. Since the time of the association is 300 years old, the season is 130. Jugendarbeit wird nach wie vor beim JC grossgeschrieben. So the transformation of the community – since we started – we have a summer and a zeltlager.

The interest in children and young people is no greater than that of the first war, while Claus Dierks no longer wants to, but other sports judo has been sworn off. Vielmehr führt is de Entwicklung nicht zurück auf de Ganztagsunterricht zurück. Dad stay alive after a few days of stress and energy for leisure.

And then the question, where the starter remains at the ball. “The endurance capacity has completely disappeared”, says Dierks and leads out, that is a mental experience. And if it is judo, it is no longer possible: the first years are man’s starter. And life can last that long. “That is a bodily chess game”, said Dierks about the judo sport – including Finten and Bluffs. As a judoka, one learns, the treatment of the opponents – but that is to be resected. Provided followed: In all the years that I have been in judo, no one can reach more people.

Claus Dierks has appealed to the “judo-crazy” Nachwuchs aufrücken wird. If you are 60 years old, it is no longer possible to get on the matte stone yourself.