
Iris Klein is making a party, ob sie nach Nachname Nachnamen will do that

Iris Klein is making a party, ob sie nach Nachname Nachnamen will do that

2023 saw Peter Klein (57) and my wife Iris Klein (57). Sie war ihm Untreue with Yvonne Woelke (42) before. It went so well, when they both die as Dschungelcamp-Begleitungen in the Australian war. Bis heute streitet Peter een außereheliche Affäre ab. Dennoch: Das Ehepaar trennte sich, rather sich an unschöne Schlammschlacht in all kinds of apparent. Nor have both of them – most of them on paper – been inherited. Irishoed is a great variation on life in the small divorce.

Iris Klein: Ehe nur noch mit Ehe-Vertrag

In November, the seriousness of it will be determined, with a message on “”. At the family court in Iris’ Wohnwort Worms (Rheinland-Pfalz) two terms are set for choice. This must meet Peter. With the divorce, Iris will also make her surname possible. From Iris Klein is then who Iris Katzenberger will be, who will see the broadcast. At least forwarded. Then Iris is again in the party hands – and my new Stefan (47) will insult himself if he is no longer alive.

Iris has received these separations and says: “I have been with Stefan, if I have seen him: I will be happy to see him again, but he will be happy with his life.”

Klein-Scheidung: It costs 100,000 euros

If the divorce results in an amount of 100,000 euros, Peter will get the chance. Iris is fine damit, who is so stimulated, the Summe in zehn rates up to 10,000 Euro for zahlen. Warum? “Um Peter bei seinem Neustart met Yvonne after ihrem Liebes-Outing with his living in Berlin etwas zu unterstützen. Wir hoffen, die jeben nicht alles auf eeninmal aus”, she says in Noch-Mann.

Denn Yvonne bought a house for both of them. Dennoch: They both have no luck as a couple, but they are now as good friends.