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Nuremberg: The modernization of the register is an elementary Baustein for a modern, digital state. Soul of life is the same, that citizens and citizens are both dependent on their relationship with each other and their lives are now one of their own. (“One-time Prinzip”)

The Federal Administrative Office (BVA) and the Federal Agency for Labor (BA) have had uninterrupted cooperation, but the Grundlage would spend more time on completing the modernization of the register. The Vorhaben team can use the Federal Ministerium des Innern en für Heimat (BMI), the Federal Ministry for Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS), of the BA, the BVA that vereinbart the Freien Hansestadt Bremen.

Andrea Nahles, Vorstandsvorsitzende der BA:

“With the modernization of the datenaustische Reichenburgers, hamburgers and unternehmen at the beantragung of waltungsleistungen, daten and nachweise after the “Once-Only-Prinzip” are now neither single Male ein. The eingereichten Daten und Nachweise can then be used for further Verwaltungsleistungen – as well as other Behörden.

Das Ziel: Reduce and increase the chance, automation is useful here. Künftig wollen wir die Daten laufen las, nicht de Menschen.”

If automatic data are no longer used, an end to the identification of persons in the registers dies, a verwechslungen auszuschließen. It is 1. Step the identification of the identification numbers, it has fallen into the modernization register enthalten is a essential preliminary step. The identification number – match the tax identification number – and further data were then transferred from the central data file of the Federal Central Tax Offices into the individual register. It is safe for a data breach at BVA. The BVA cannot be helped by the modernization of the register. There are a number of data available for the identification data of the identity data, the only IDA statements, the identification and identification numbers and other (basic) data and register data and the appropriate settings, such as on the BA.

If the first project project will complete the BA purchase and the IDA-Verfahren until the end of 2025. Die schafft die Grundlagen, Verwaltungsleistungen fully digital abzuwickeln. When citizens and citizens die, there is a nachweis – who is a rentennachweis – cannot get even a little tired. A erneute Vorlage est une Behördengang entfällt.

Data protection has the highest priority in the new transactions. One of the data protection cockpits that are active in the BVA of the Freien Hansestadt Bremen, gives citizens and citizens the opportunity to look online at the market, whereby the position wants, to the purpose and with the well-being data of a use of the identification number has been given.

In deutschen Verwaltungen gibt es zahlreiche Register und Datenbanken, in denen Daten, Verzeichnisse und Nachweise über Bürgerinnen und Bürger geführt were, zB das Melderegister, Handelsregister, Grundbuch, or das Steuerregister. Due to the existing structure of the food sector, there is a lot of variety. Register bzw. Ablagesysteme, de ähnliche Inhalte regional services abbilden, wenig Transparenz bzgl. der datenhaltung bieten und häufig über unzureichende schnittstellen zB voor een besserten dataustausch, versügen. Citizens and Citizens are interested in Dating and Nachweise nor are they interested in your Register / your Behörde angeben bzw. new inheritance tax was a major bureaucratic issue. If the citizen service has been expanded, as a result of which the Gesetzgeber various regulations have been put on the road, the online Gesetz can be carried out by the modernization Gesetz of the registry.