
Seasonal loading, the province’s crops are its spirit and the “Charm of Jiangsu” is its experience

Seasonal loading, the province’s crops are its spirit and the “Charm of Jiangsu” is its experience

NANJING, China, Sept. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — In recent years, Jiangsu has seen and enjoyed more along the river, to buy a space for cultural and tourist activities in the entire province, the “two corridors, two belts and two zones” have been established. In September I will be attending the Unterstützung des „Charm of Jiangsu“ Global Communication Center Sonderausgaben zu den Themen Weltklasse-Öko- und Kulturtourismuszone am Tai-Hu-See (, Weltklasse -Öko- und Kulturtourismuszone am Hongze-See ( 4/8-21hzhe/) and Weltklasse-Ökotourismus-Korridor an der Küste ( -21bhe/) were made available, in the lessons of all aspects of science, which Wasser durchzogene Geschichten von Jiangsu zu erkunden. In this Sonderausgaben lies the credible travel eführer Glimpses of Jiangsu von “Charm of Jiangsu” is one of the best experiences on the wonderful landscape of Jiangsu region, a charm of the world-famous travel souls that will be used in the future.

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Jiangsu was born and flourished in the future. From the east to the west of Japan, from the north to the southern part of the Kaiserkanal, which weiten and offenen Meeresküsten and the sanften and angenehmen Seen images of a unique cultural landscape in Jiangsu, including Flüsse, Seen and Meere zeeammenfließen. Jiangsus Weltweiter Ruhm is not concerned with washing water. For about 1,200 years, the Tang Dynasty began the Mönch Jianzhen power on a journey into Japan that began in the Kaiser Canal and then the Yangtze. A time of 700 years the merchant Marco Polo came from Venice over the Silk Road into the country and the water to Jiangsu and documents about the journey that took place in the famous book Il Milione: The Wonder of the World.

Before 600 years had passed since Admiral Zheng He’s Flotilla had made a voyage to the Western Oceans in Liujiagang and the Mundung des Yangtzekiang in See, he would have had a friendly experience and many historical anecdotes. Before Xu Xiake, the “Pearl of the Tai-Hu-Seas”, was born 400 years ago in Wuxi, he had made a travel report through China for more than 30 years, Xu Xiakes Travel. With the 600,000-word blessing works, there is a significant contribution to the research of China. For 400 years, the Italian missionary Matteo Ricci combed Huai’an, a city in the Ufer des Hongze-Sees. This is the place where Huai’an is at ease with his Landsmann Marco Polo.

Machen Sie een Spaziergang am Ufer des Tai-Hu-Sees in Suzhou, a UNESCO City of Crafts and Popular Arts. Genius like the culinary cuisine of Huai’an and Yangzhou, both in gastronomy, dies from the hunger of people who lie. Experience the bird watching view of the Zugvögel and the unique Gezeitenbäume in the Zugvogelschutzgebieten along the coast of the Gulfs of Bohai and the Gelben Meers in Yancheng, a UNESCO World Nature Reserve. Bewundern Sie bezaubernde Tiere wie de Davidhirsch, de Löffelstrandläufer, de Mandschurenkranich, de Östlichen Glattschweinswal und de Schwarzstirnlöffler. Treat yourself to a meal with local delicacies from fresh fruits such as the Sandfisch from Lianyungang, the “Three Weißen” from the Tai-Hu-Sees, the “Eight Fresh Delicatessen” from Qintong, the Woolly Crabs from the Yangcheng-Sees, the Xuyi-Flusskrebsen and the Gaoyou -Doppeldotter-Eiern. Jiangsu reads Besucher herezlich ein, de wonderful Gewässer von Jiangsu with Glimpses of Jiangsu so knowledgeable. Experience your varied landscapes, culinary high experiences, rich cultural experiences and the pulsating lives of the provinces – these are the experiences of endless encounters.

Source: “Charm of Jiangsu” Global Communication Center

CONTACT: Kontaktperson: Herr Wong, Tel.: 86-10-63074558

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