
Ticker zur Carolabrücke: Nach smaller Sprengung labor Abrissbagger

Ticker zur Carolabrücke: Nach smaller Sprengung labor Abrissbagger

2:58 PM | Sächsische Binnenhäfen müssen-umplanen

The lastschiffverkehr on the Elbe is the first bridge that forms a major obstacle. Whoever has the Sächsische Binnenhäfen Oberelbe GmbH (SBO) in the Donnerstag, serves the blockade of the waterways of a night a logistical scam. All plants that have to be transported on the Bahn or Lkw have to be loaded.

SBO chief Heiko Loroff said that for a moment the financial world had no legs. “If the transport has not been lost, or alternatively the transport on the Bahn and the rest of the world.” Momentan seien Güter wie Schwergut, Salz, Getreide, Holz, Kohle and Erze hit. Enjoy the pass so you can enjoy it.

2:42 PM | Einsturz verursacht Mini-Erdbeben

The e-installation of the Carolabrücke is one of the messages in the regional registration. The seismologist Jens Skapski has published a message about the reporting on the Kurznachrichtendienst “X”. While you are going up the bridge for the first time in the ground or the water, you say Skapski MDR SACHSEN. “When it comes to signaling, there is a real Erdbeben-verursacht. The Collegians from Freiberg are so gelungen, the ‘Epizentrum’ to locate and make a good start.”

Laut TU Bergakademie Freiberg has an Erschütterung a Localmagnitude of 0.4 auf. Dammit, you can enjoy the experience with ease. Check the results of the inspection of a seismometer at the Dresdner St. Benno Gymnasium.

13:14 Uhr | Bridge inspection over the bridge

One of the Carolabrücke would have a higher level of equipment. Think of Tieflader and Kran die Technik. If the night continues with work and a substructure, a part of the bridge stabilizes, says Michael Klahre of the Dresdner Feuerwehr with. It is not all that the cars are still under the bridge, but could be driven away. This is the highest water protection.

The bridge part C is after all for einsturzgefährdet. “The instructions are very important, but it will not last longer. If you carry out the inspection, you can carry out the inspection”, says Klahre. It is a matter of cleaning up with factory companies and THW. A proper time plan is still not available. An inspection of the bridge could not be virtual in this week.

13:07 Uhr | Reederei muss Schiffstransport beschieben

For the Reedereien from Tschechien, the Brückeneinsturz is a hearter Schlag. After longer Trockenheit and Niedrigwasser are actually a Schiff a great Ladung nach Dresden fahren. However, transport is not possible, says Lukáš Hradský, Geschäftsführer of Reederei EVD-Sped dem tschechischen Nachrichtenportal iDNES. The fact is that it will take a long time before the Fahrrinne is free.

12:29 Uhr | More than 50 Leute des THW for Ort

More than 50 men and women from THW from Dresden, Bautzen, Leipzig and Zwickau help their name in the bridge. You can perform the deployment and unterstützen at the stabilization of the still strong parts of the construction work.

“Unsere Helferinnen und Helfer since tomorrow unermüdlich in Dresden in Einsatz, their Schlimmeres zu verhindern. With special technology and perhaps Fachwissen können wir bei diesem nicht alltäglichen Szenario unkompliziert unterstützen. I’m grateful for all the Einsatzkräften, who have been around this hour for Ort ” , concretes die THW-Country Beauty Treaty for Saxony and Thuringia, Janine Stock.

11:47 am | Weiterhin kein Straftatsusdacht, Polizei befragt Anwohner

The police continue to push the exit of the Carola Bridge in Dresden as a misfortune. It is a matter of thinking about a strategy, such as a political preference. The Ermittler has not entered the bridge. If you are looking for a way to serve the highest command.

Beamte hätten black damit started, residents and residents zu befragen, ob sie an der Brücke suspicious Personen beobachtet haben. Daraus has been given a bislang of a short breath for a strong Straftat, like the Sprecher.

11:27 am | Considerations over more information about Vorgehen

The traveler of the city of Dresden deliberates on who will continue to experience the future of the Carolabrücke. The best thing the police can do is an intervention.

11:12 am | Moisture loss starting tomorrow in the Regelbetrieb

The Schiffe der Weißen Flotte Sachsen GmbH will be open tomorrow and regularly in the Dresden Center. Everything is natural in terms of dimensions, dimensions and dimensions. Demnach fahren Schiffe ab dem Terrassenufer strombwärts in Richtung Meißen. Stromaufwärts empty the Schiffe alldings nicht am gewohnten Platz, sonondern an emptystellen next to the Dresdner Albertbrücke ab.

A shuttle bus, from 9 a.m. to 20 p.m. at Georg-Treu-Platz, is the guests’ journey to the route to the Albert Bridge.

09:49 AM | Treibgut can be a problem

After the bridge bridge in Dresden, it is about 100 meters from the bridge, so half in Wasser and that could be a big problem. Who knows? Jens Czerwinka reports from the Elbe.