
Theater Naumburg: Neue Spielzeit mit Kafka und Theater-Neubau

The small city of Naumburg is only a few minutes away from the smallest Stadttheater Deutschlands. Gerade mal elf Angestellte is here on the Lohnliste, four of ihnen on the Bühne. A superlativ of other art, which is increasingly characterized by the regional media.

But he doesn’t enjoy life alone. In this way, Intendant Stefan Neugebauer zum Spielzeitauftakt wieder mal auf sein Geheimrezept: de Naumburger Theaterspaziergang.

The city of Naumburg as a stage

The theatre space develops the public of a best theme and what happens in Naumburg is a new game and the power that can not provide for itself. “It is a fact that a group of 70 people from zwei Wächtern in Schwarz with megaphones went through the city. The fragment itself zufällig daherkommende Passanten schon: Was ist here los?”, explains Stefan Neugebauer.

There is a high demand, the Schaulustigen dann on the next day at the Kartenhäuschens his Theaters stand. Let yourself be immersed in the Evenings and a form of hinterinander is the new Ausgabe des Theaterspaziergangs that you see. This time it is “On the Trails of Josef K.” during the Stadt.

After the motifs of the Romans “Der Prozess” by Franz Kafka, the Streets and Gases of the Kleinstadt in the Burgenlandkreis were played. Kafka with dedication, inszeniert of a small, lustful agierenden Ensemble, überall in der Stadt, because among the Leuten – and with Stefan Neugebauer concretet: “Ohne Zeigefinger, aufregend, berührend, unterhaltsam and fuller Überraschungen.”

Fast as at Dürrenmatt

The new Spielzeit at Stadtheater Naumburg brought another great excess with its: a new Theater for the City. If the theater is otherwise an existing bangen, then remember that the name of the name is determined, but the human is here in Naumburg a new house. Who does that, explains Neugebauer, not without laughter zu müssen: “Ein bisschen like at Dürrenmatts berühmter alten Dame.”

If the goal of the smallest city theaters of the Republic exists, another city becomes worth a million euros. After all, nobody must die, who in the piece of the Swiss dramatists. After the city has spent the city, the money can be a thought that costs more money. The entschieden sich der Oberbürgermeister and his administration are now necessary for the theater. The house is a long new location. And if you see the other Schlachthof of the city, this can not happen in the Spielzeit era either.

Fördergelder aus Steueroase in Saxony-Anhalt

The other lady’s one million euros could earn an amount of 500,000 euros from the assets of small town planning in the Burgenlandkreis – with the “Lützen-Millionen” who would get a different specificity for cultural projects in the Kreis. That’s okay, but there are millions of euros from different sales. Die Gesamtsumme für die Sanierung: 3.5 million euros.