
Infarm: Exclusive Insider Message, was done by Scheitern hat

Infarm: Exclusive Insider Message, was done by Scheitern hat

Infarm: Exclusive Insider Message, was done by Scheitern hat

Were Stars of Startup-Szene: The Infarm-Gründer Guy Galonska, Osnat Michaeli and Erez Galonska.
Infarm/collage: Dominik Schmitt / Gründerszene

It is important that you have the certainty that it is safe. The journalists who did their research and investigation were their own passion at the farm. If the Berlin start-up with the capital markets for the supermarkets is founded, a turnover of 550 million euros from investors has arisen and Food-Unicorn Deutschlands will be founded. And then completely and completely from the picture surface is hidden. This billion dollar assessment seems to have disappeared easily in the air.

If you find a person, you will see more years for the farm equipment, and it is an anonymous with a story, it is spectacular. Quickly no more glauben. Ziemlich is that it is one of the most beautiful things you can see, that are made by yourself, where you can see the details. If you are a man who is a punk, wo man sich fragment: But who can that be? Who can it so long have clapped? Warum hat niemand etwas noted?

In general, it is spoken to the person, who is carried out all years in an uninterrupted range at the Infarm equipment. We want to know: Who can pass that? Is the farm safe? All diesel engines Answer: The business model went hint and did not come up. Infarm-hätte gar nicht night to be able to divorce.

The farm has been around for so long that it is the umbrella company of the founders Erez Galonska, Osnat Michaeli and Guy Galonska that owes it, so in any case, your idea can be sold well. “There was a war going on with the Steve Jobs of Vertical Farmings,” said one of Quellen. Seine vision? If you ask me, you may have a different reality. “The world has changed a lot in five years,” said another story, who spoke to us.

The Infarm Chronicle: The Rise and Fall of Unicorns

2013: The Startup Infarm was founded in the Berlin district of Kreuzberg by the Israeli Guy Galonska, the Bruder Erez and the Ehefrau Osnat Michaeli gefoundet. The components of the vision, by hydroponic methods, can be implemented in the urban environment. There is an automatic water-nährstofflösung in a closed Kreislaufsystem Pflanzen zugeführt.

2015-2021: Infarm entwickelt smarte Gewächshäuser, die in Tausenden Branches von Supermärkten wie Edeka and Rewe in more Ländern aufgestellt. The main production takes place in the large Lagerhallen at this time. These companies look to the best investors and investees. Zwischen 2017 und 2021 soll Infarm so mehr as 600 Millionen US-Dollar (fast 550 Millionen Euro) eingesammelt haben.

2021: At the end of 2021, there would be a billion dollar farm – and it would be a unicorn. This time period involves farms of 1400 farms in their own lands and partners with over 30 large single traders. Trotz des erfolgs kämpft das Unternehmen with waiting delights. Der Umsatz betträgt nur eight Millionen Euro, während die Verluste bei 127.8 Millionen Euro lie.

2022: Starting in 2022, Infarm will announce around 500 employees – or half of its investment. With a total of 77 million euros, the personal costs of the startups were explosive: In the year 2021, Infarm paid around 960 employees. It is possible that the management has lasted a year. Because the massive investments are fairer with the rising energy costs, angry Russia in Ukraine will be brought to a higher level.

2023: As of Spring 2023, the farm will quickly move all its brands back and report insolvency in September. First in the Netherlands, then in Germany. The 500 words that were added were deleted and all production statements from Canada were still laid. The end of the years is a fact that the Gründer community has founded a company with the Israeli investor Hanaco Growth Ventures with a business growth and a new company. If you are shy about the world of London and choose an ‘Asset light’ strategy, you work with the software and the know-how of the world.

In a Production Hall in Hamilton, Canada, we were approached again at the Toronto market. Infarm konzentriert sich jetzt auf the Anbau von koscheren Kräutern, a lucrative Nische, and no longer buy with supermarkets.

Am Ende countries Gewächshäuser on the Schrottplatz

2023 is the year the last war with Infarm ends. Das Ende: no lauter Blast, erein leises Puffen. The last Lebenszeichen ein Nicht-mehr-Lebenszeichen: Im September reported the Unternehmen in England Insolvenz auch für deutsche GmbH an. In Germany there were two months full of chaos and abrissstimmung events.