
Jugendliteratur – Kirsten Boie verarbeitet right-wing extremes Anschlag literary – Kultur

Jugendliteratur – Kirsten Boie verarbeitet right-wing extremes Anschlag literary – Kultur

Hamburg (dpa) – The story, the Hamburg author Kirsten Boie in the new youth book “Skogland Brennt” has laid down what, what for more than zen years internationally for Entsetzen has taken care of. In July 2011, right-wing terrorist Anders Behring Breivik went to a youth house on the island of Utøya 69 Menschen.

Boie Holt dies Massaker nun in his fictional Skogland. The band of the journey played out in the Monaten for the horror-wound, but also wanttrin. It is a heart for the lesson, but it is heavy. When „Skogland brennt“ said that the Mut mancher, the Unmut vieler, the Madprostellung a einzelnen Menschen – and the Optionen for a better Society or Foreign Hath.

Boie himself writes in his foreword that his book is not the Schmerz or the Leiden reproduction of Wolle. „Vielmehr sehe ich in der Fiktion eine Möglichkeit, Verstehen zu fördern and sich tiefhehend with the Herausforderungen unserer Zeit zu beschäftigen.“

The book is a pladoyer for Hinschauen, for the overwinds of Trennendem, for Toleranz and Zusammenhalt – and for Geduld. It is a time in which an influence can have the Jugend – it can be positive if it is negative.

In a three-mile radius around the Royal Skogland, King Magnus, finally expelled by Putschists, is back in power. The autumn democracy and some reforms, a poor North and the South, have ultimately become enormous. It is not that things are not going well and others did not go well.

There is no more power that is radical for a group or people. So make sure that the frustrated Southern Nobility is for the care pass and shoots the government in the shoe. And the Rebels are exterminated with small Anschlägen in Southern Fear and Scream.

Erzählt is the story that in Volume 1 and Volume 2 hides everything from view of the young Prinzessin and Halb-Nordlerin Jarven and his friend and Prime Minister Joel, who come from the Norden.

Because Kurzem does not yet have an arm in Germany, he is in an Elite Internat in South Skoglands – and on the own Brödler Hjalmar, Sohn reicher Südler. It is all a question of everything and much more. It is a right-wing extremist and it seems that the ‘arischen Rasse’ speaks out, but it does not stay that way. A blutrünstiger plan for the “Säuberung” never forms, if there are years and friends about a planned Nord-Süd-Jugendsommercamp, it becomes short.

While the end of the battle takes place at an exciting party, a man can keep the lesson of the political thrillers “Skogland brennt” in a rausch-rattling. More attention is paid to a political game in the hidden, games in the empire, life in the teenage years and the power over social media. Boie sees social currents and also the thoughts of their figures auf – they are still so crusted, scorched or puberty.

If you don’t have to worry about the book anymore, you can use the alternative option to remove the Hamburger Oetinger-Verlag in 15 years time. Boie gives in „Skogland brennt“ not easy answers or solutions against right-wing extremism and Spaltung vor. If you want, think of the lessons and think and find them. And that is the book – who sees a little Jugendbücher Boies – on jeden Fall Anstoß.

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