
Biennale IMAGES in Vevey: (dis)connected – Zwischen Verleidingenheit und Zukunft (1)

Biennale IMAGES in Vevey: (dis)connected – Zwischen Verleidingenheit und Zukunft (1)

Every two years you will find the «Images» as the largest photo festival in Switzerland. 50 years of experience with the program, which are based on fascinating themes such as Swiss analogue photography and intellectual property.

Zur diesjährigen Biennale Images in Vevey are the organizers, under the artistic Leitung von Stefano Stoll, were Besonderes und Zugleich Zeitgemässes einfallen lassen. The artistic intelligence is no longer in the form of the form, but can be one of the principal figures in more lives – and perhaps also bare in creative photography. Stefano Stoff compares this Entwicklung in seiner Einleitung zur diesjährigen Biennale with a «seismic Verwerfung two tectonic Platten», where our Zeitalter of an often idealizing Verleidingenheit moves in a number of versed Zukunft: «Selten war these Geschichte Zeuge are so separated Moments, denn unsere Gegenwart is in broader sprüchlichen Strömungen gefangen. The technological development of the years – how the world is moving from analog to digital age, if you visit the internets and social networking sites, there is now a single – mirror of a ground legend walk in the wider community. I think the intelligent intelligence is a “is the source of our stories, our habits, our ideas and our beliefs,” says Stefano Stoll.

The fun collections of the images are based on the theme “(dis)connected” and reflect the aussergewöhnliche and entscheidende Zeit broader, in the life, a Rätsel, in the unvermeidliche Nostalgia on the Neugier, in an unforgettable Zukunft trifft.

Photographers who make a run during the extensive analysis of some highlights and some highlights after their subjective Empfinden bildlich dokumentiert. Here first die the following bets, the second time in a week. Stay tuned…

Andreas Gursky: «Aletsch Glacier» (18)

If Andreas Gursky took the photo of the Aletsch Glaciers photography 30 years ago, it is not that the largest glacier in the Alps is zurückbilden würde. If the nature of national culture is concerned with erasing brand names and a symbol for the problem of the glaciers. The picture, Andreas Gursky, the photography from 1994, began to generate large sums of money to the Waadtländer Kantonalbank by the Bahnhofs Vevey who looks at the images of images and as a photographic illustration of the problems of the global problems.

Henry Leutwyler: Philippe Halsman. The life of a photographer (29)

Henry Leutwyler has made a tribute to one of the great photographs of the company with his work and his work: Philippe Halsman. 2017 by the Leutwyler die Halsmans Archief and slide a visual Biography and his personal belongings, working through the Work «Philippe Halsman. The life of a photographer. The exhibition, which is shown in the Frames of Images Vevey and still until 19. January 2025 in the Swiss Camera Museum, surrounds Glasses, Tripod, Passes and other personal belongings, illustrate the productive career of Halsmans. Leutwyler is therefore committed to these influencing Photographers and the Sketch of Photography from analogue to digital Photography.

Candida Höfer: George Peabody Library Baltimore (20)

Candida photographs with his coarse format room within the general library, for all symbolic libraries in the whole world for his series «Libraries». The large image of another image of Vevey said that the George Peabody Library in Baltimore in 1857 yielded more than 300,000 books. The central perspective, although the symmetry and the monumental character of the architectural background, omits the final impression, man würde Einblick in de Bibliothek in het binnenste de Gefängnisses Gewinnen.

Olivier Frank Chanarin: “A perfect sentence” (07)

«A Perfect Sentence» is presented as an installation of analogue photography with a modern robotic system. During the Corona period, Oliver Frank Chanarin traveled through Great Britain and the first series of the Gesellschaft after Brexit, compensation for unintended speech and various community photography. There are analogue photographs in the work and the work of the employment agencies, documenting the lungs of the company. Before an installation is carried out, the image is automatically automated by robotic arms, generating a continuous image and selecting an algorithm that hangs. This monumental installation combines a fascinating tension between its transition and future.

Farah Al Qasimi: “Poltergeister” (01)

Inspired by the 1982 horror film “Poltergeist” by Tobe Hooper, who said a house, when he had a mysterious ghost, Farah al-Qasimi started photography and videos and thus parodied the time of his great joy in life. The pictures transform the fast supernatural energies, which end up in our home: intelligent devices, algorithms and networked systems contact private space and take over control of our daily lives.

Sarah Carp: “Without a Face” (05)

While the Lockdowns in Sarah Carp’s annual 2020 photography stand on both legs, in sight of a book being realized. It may be that you have a child from your own image. Sarah wiederholt the series with gleichaltrigen, fremden kindern and anonymization of the research by the surrender of one of the print grids. During a game with the attention and the gaze focused on taking pictures, it is possible to see the individual persons in the anonymous form. The coarse formative images have appeared in the following playgrounds and enter the debate in the Darstellung of kindern in the time of the social network on.

Edson Chagas: “Passion Type” (06)

«Tipo Passe» is Portuguese, so it caught the eye of Ausweisfotos. Edson Chagas has created extraordinary portraits, while revealing a hint of African masks. During the combination of traditional masks and Western clothing, you erase the boundaries of the historical rituals of the functions of masks and all the banalities of the “krawattenkleides”. The pictures that speak of Widersprüchen represent a struggle between past and present, in which the connections between epochs, traditions, nations and continents are restored. Individuality is erased, while new individuals are treated in the future.

Debsuddah: «Crossroads» (10)

Debsuddha spent childhood or time in a Vorstadt von Kalkutta with two Tanten, who were born as Albinos. Weighing pigment spots can be distributed and disfigured in the young years and the odor is removed. Both Westerners have their own property, insulates their world, brought the Tag into their home with their music, before they began to enjoy their time in the open air. Debsuddha hat im Year 2020 sowohl spontaneous Schnappschüsse as well as inszenierte Porträts von seinen Tanten realisiert, which die in zarten, melancholic images narrow bond to both schwestern offerings. Crossroads was published with the images Vevey Book Award 2023/24. The image is a clear example of the themes, the broader position and an interim representation of the social boundaries.

Maisie Cousins: “Back to Happimess” (09)

Maisie Cousins ​​spent hours with my Grossvater in the Lieblingsfreizeitpark Blobbyland, based on the fictional world of Mr. Blobby, the infamous characters from one of the English family series. After Cousins ​​made the video recordings of their history with their Grossvater, they lost their lives with their intelligent intelligence. With the help of a software that generates hundreds of images, there is a visit to the park with surrealistic visions of large figures at an annual fair on the Meer. «Walking Back To Happiness» hints at the art and well-being that offer an intelligent interpretation of the information. The installation of the biennial images Vevey awakens a certain desire for the passing away in conjunction with new forms of memory education.

Carlos Garaicoa: «Partitura» (14)

For many years Carlos Garaicoa has invested in his intriguing work “Score”. The Cuban Artists’ film of Street musicians in Madrid and Bilbao, a sound portrait of different cities. This trusted version is the composer Esteban Puebla, who composed a Symphony. With this community as a shof Garaicoa an own orchestra, it is a round four-part music standards visualized. Other conductors can go a step further, while the joint composition in the Théâtre Oriental-Vevey is resounding. Score is a compelling work, the human being, the isolated world, musically seen connects.

Benjamin Freedman: «Positive Illusions» (12)

Benjamin Freedman of the Abschlussklasse of the ECAL (Ecole cantonale d’art de Lausanne) reconstructs his Childhood memories with the help of CGI (Computer Generated Imagery). There is now this technology that has produced a family flight in Montreal and Maine in the United States in the year 1999, which in the store would go to a new year’s eve. ‘Positive illusions’ feel nostalgic in the fresh world of the child, through the fragmentation of the inner experience and through the technology that goes together.

Martin Parr: «Fashion Faux Parr» (38)

A highlight of Schluss die ersten Folge: Martin Parr. There is an investigation into the way in which the British Gesellschaft documentation is carried out. Weniger began with his fashion photography, which lasted 30 years as street photography in war campaigns and a fashion shams are. If you are looking for personal projects and projects that you can not separate, you can not only take photos of photos as kulissen and beautiful passers-by and models in those beautiful moments. With luminous, soft colors and perspectives, the 250 pictures reveal his mischievous, unfiltered view of fashion. Fashion Faux Parr reveals the vitality of Western fashion and the background of the meaning of the figure in an unsellschaft.

The two Folge dieses Reports
erscheint am Freitag, 20. September on
Just stay…

Situation sketch © Urs Tillmanns /

The Biennale Images Vevey is not yet available until September 29, 2024.
All information can be found at

A Overview of the Exhibitions with links to detailed information can be found in this Aufstellung

Nasty Orientation in the city of Vevey and zum to find out the individual adjustment serves the following plan:
(download here as pdf)

More information About the Images 2024 in Vevey can be found under