
Büdinger Kinderärztin en ihr Project Guarayos machen die Welt seit 20 Jahren bisschen besser

Büdinger Kinderärztin en ihr Project Guarayos machen die Welt seit 20 Jahren bisschen besser

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Büdinger Kinderärztin en ihr Project Guarayos machen die Welt seit 20 Jahren bisschen besser
Gemeinschaft: Mit Freunden, Vertrauten unterstützern feiert Ute Glock (r.) am Samstag im Büdinger Hotel Fürstenhof das 20-year Bestehen des Projects Guarayos. © Björn Leo

Die Büdinger Kinderärztin Dr. Ute Glock provides children in Bolivia with Lebensnotnauwem: with sent Mahlzeiten, Medizin and Bildung. The Guarayos project has been going on for 20 years.

Während der Krieg in Europa, de gesellschaftlichen Gräben in Deutschland und de immer neuer kostenlos Nach Zurückweisung von Flüchtlingen en unseren Grenzen taglich de Nachrichten bestimmen, scheint de Lage in Bolivia weitgehend aus dem Fokus zu geaten. Since 2010, the Waldbrände have regained the reign that has adopted the national notation. The Balance of the Environmental Ministers Alan Lisperguer came out gloriously: The Feuer hat 3.8 Millionen Hektar Vegetationsfläche left, davon 1.5 Millionen Hektar in bewaldeten Gebieten. The Santa Cruz region is not affected. Etwa 340 Kilometers is located in the Provinz Guarayos. You are 20 years into Dr.’s childhood. Ute Glock. Community with friends and alliances during the round birthday party now celebrated. I don’t think I have a party to celebrate. The party on Saturday marks one of the most special things on the path of Aid, the black on an art that ends with his statement. »But nothing falls out of sight«, with Ute Glock concreted with verve.

After a successful start with the French Schwester Letitia in the year 2003, the Büdingerin decided not to support the social and charitable work of the French in Bolivia. If the people in their mission begin to fulfill their mission, the Guarayos worker groups are an interdisciplinary, all-encompassing project of help, which is a coincidence in the country of the Late American man.

The network is well tensioned

Ute Glock’s network is a bit exciting. Your team, which fights its slow confidants and friends, beats the work drum and the mobile power. Irmgard and Manfred Huth join the narrow circle, Ilona and Gunther Bittner are Anneliese Molz, Magda Schlevoigt, Astrid Eichinger and Renate Haas. Early on, Nora Itzel also listened to this. “There is no association, but one of the political and the üblichen organizations is impressed by the content,” says Ute Glock and tries to say: “To much bureaucracy, to much lobbyism.”

The work in Bolivia is free from the tertiary schwesters of Saint Francis of Assisi, who has been active in his mission in South America for 100 years. Ute Glock tells more than 20 years ago and reports with Stolz: “In common with the Ordensschwestern are three facilities for uninhibited, chronically ill and retarded children with disabilities.” The development of many families follows the 84-year-olds of these two years. Living expenses fly by, we know Ute Glock already. Now, the Guarayos project lasted 20 years, but the balance was positive. The initiative of the initiative and the work of the work have yielded half a million euros. The Franziskaner department is responsible for developing projects including Waisenhäuser, Schulen, Gefängnisse, Frauenhäuser and mobile Krankenstations. »If Europe and Christians feel I am obliged to help people«, said Irmgard Huth. “If the German government takes the blame, the reality of life will be more likely.” This installation is a fact, the world is a bisschen better power.

Konkret heißt das: Inzwischen ist in der Region Guarayos, in der 37 Prozent der Kinder unter funfjaar unterernährt since, das Ernährungszentrum Santa Clara entstanden. One team is working, one team is fighting in an entire cabin. Müttern was taken care of on the basis of soybeans, so that both the results of the children are very good. This is a nursery and another educational center, which is a lung care center and underlying small children’s nursery. With the exception of the power of Ute Glock, the Tatsache, the Sonderschule für Lernbehinderte inzwischen statlich anerkannt, was a regehht with the Finanzierung von two Lehrerstellen. There is a bus that is a jeep, the children are on their way, they can be taken away.

Ans Aufhören nobody thinks

Ans Aufhören thinks aus der Gruppe nobody. »Für uns ist eine Frage des Charakters, dranzubleiben«, said Ilona Bittner. “A power that has a power was heißt, nicht aufzustecken,” laughs Magda Schlevoigt. On September 29, the Glock was used for a few weeks at the shooting time. If there is a problem, who has not done the Waldbrände dem ohnehin gebeutelen Land, nor any other other story.